Atlantic Connexion

Crosspoint (John Sherwood) celebrated Advent this Sunday in the best way with the baptism of three middle schoolers – a very Merry Christmas indeed. This brings their 2023 baptism total to 20 – now that’s good news!
Churches across the Atlantic region have made ample room for all those who may accept our invitation to hear the true meaning of Christ’s birth in our Christmas Eve services. Let’s get out there and take full advantage of the openness so many have this time each year.
Easton (Rich Thomas) Serves Local Hospital Staff
Rich Thomas, Bud Fancy & Easton Wesleyan Worship Director, Jay Siddiqui, were part of a team that facilitated two Christmas services for staff at Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital in Presque Isle. Rich shared, “The services were full of Christmas carols, Christmas scripture and Bud and I each took one of the services and shared a Christ centered sermonette.”
Amherst (Evan Oxner) had 147 out for their Kid’s Christmas Service this Sunday. Evan shared, “A couple highlights from the service were the insightful questions the kids asked me about God (that I had to answer on the fly), and also when I dumped 20ish litres of candy on them to illustrate how the shepherds felt joy when the angels dumped the news of Jesus’ birth on them!”
Hillside (Dave Dixon) Youth Serve High School

Dave shared, “A few of our Hillside Youth are presenting Cole Harbour High School with $2,610 in gift cards to bless families in need this Christmas.” Way to go in building bridges for the transforming love of God through Christmas!

Worship Team @ Island Wesleyan

It was a joy to meet some new attenders during my visit with our Island (Brian Gilroy) family this past Sunday. The Gilroy family and church leaders are to be commended for their ongoing efforts to connect in new ways with the community in this post-pandemic season. This month alone has included contributing 130 boxes of stuffing for the Christmas hamper efforts through the local school, as well as over $500 for the World Hope Christmas Water Appeal, and another $500+ towards the new heat pump for the church. I enjoyed reconnecting with Brian & Kimberley’s children, Jeshuah and Judeah over lunch as they are adjusting well to life on PEI following their move last year from Alberta.

Beulah Session of the Camp Board

Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch convened the Beulah Session of the Camp Board this week at the Edgett Memorial Boardroom in Moncton. Beulah Camp & Conference Center is rebounding with strength in this post-pandemic season. The fall launch of the Tabernacle Terrace Project (Rob Trafton & Shirley Mullen – Co-Chairs) has provided a fresh day of momentum for the immediate future as we prepare for the next phase in 2024. We explored bringing clarity and alignment to the values that motivate our leadership team for the days ahead. The board also considered creative solutions for the challenges of deferred maintenance which included the review of a comprehensive assessment completed by Property Development Officer Rob Trafton & Caretaker Mike White.

Don’t Miss Out @ the Saunders-Irving Chapel
Kingswood University Welcomes Steve DeNeff!

Congratulations to Shaun & Morgan Miller on the December 12th arrival of Lena Sarah Grace! Shaun serves as Praxis Program Director @ Kingswood University.

  • Three words i find myself pondering in the coming of Jesus. Vulnerability, Anonymity, Poverty. Not words we typically use to describe a king. But our King is neither typical nor common. I am convinced sacred is found in vulnerability, anonymity and poverty. (Peter Yoshonis)
  • The U.S. median church attendance 65, and 7/10 churches have less than 100 in attendance! Small churches are actually normal churches– & God is working through small churches! (Ed Stetzer)
  • Never underestimate what God is doing. Never underestimate how much people need Jesus. Never forget he is seeking and saving the lost. Never forget he is the light of the world today just as much as he was 2000 years ago! (Rebecca McLaughlin)
KIngswood Learn Launches @ Follow 2023!

We are going to get a front row seat to unpack the amazing resource of Kingswood Learn during District Ministerial. President Lennox will be onsite to provide a thorough introduction to his phenomenal and cost-effective resource for raising and releasing leaders in our local churches! Steve is leading with courage and effectiveness in this season and has already raised over $1.1M in cash and pledges toward the five-year goal of $2.7M to make this resource available for free to serve the local church. What will this include?

● Two-sided platform offering high-quality, thoroughly vetted, free micro-courses addressing questions commonly raised in the church.
● Primary purpose is to strengthen the church by providing free resources for discipleship and leadership development.
● As a two-sided platform, individuals can be both consumers and producers, using the content provided by Kingswood, but also customizing the platform by adding their own content.
● Some users will also be inspired by tasting the high-quality learning offered in these micro-courses to take advantage of Kingswood’s other options, such as certificate and credit-bearing programs.

CLICK HERE for New Caton’s Island Promo Video
At the heart of Caton’s Island is our mission to reach thousands of children and teens for Christ. As 2023 draws to a close, we want to FINISH STRONG.  The inflationary costs of programming, feeding our campers, and maintaining our facilities have hit us harder than anticipated. Will you consider an end of year financial gift to this important Kingdom work?

  • Your gift will ensure that we will continue to share Jesus Christ with this generation and the generations to come. We’re on our way to 2,025 campers by 2025!
CLICK HERE for CCCC CSJ Information


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.