Atlantic Connexion

Caton’s Island Fundraising Dinner – May 25th
  • The Lodge is nearing completion as Director Dean Stephenson and the Caton’s Island team are getting ready to launch another exciting summer of transformed lives from across the Atlantic region. Check out the schedule in Upcoming Events for a full summer of camp ministry!

CLICK HERE to Register Now to attend the Fundraising Dinner on the island in our newly renovated dining hall. Saturday, May 25th at 4:00 p.m.

RSVP Deadline: Friday, May 17th

If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation to help us address the urgent need of repairing the Irving Staff Dorm roof. Significant damage was sustained during the winter storms. These repairs are critical to our ability to provide staff housing this summer. We need your help and thank you in advance for leaning in to offer your financial support.

CLICK HERE for a full promo poster with all the details!

The annual Spring Clean-Up Day @ Beulah Camp & Conference Center was a huge success with 82 volunteers assigned in three work groups to tackle projects around the campgrounds. Hats off to Acting Caretaker Wayne Clark and Property Development Officer Rob Trafton for coordinating the efforts of this day.

  • Following lunch, an Information Session led by Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch addressed a variety of items unfolding in the three-year strategic plan, including a presentation from Rob Trafton with a conceptual plan for the Tabernacle Terrace. Exciting days ahead in this growing season of District Camp Ministry!

Pastoral Transitions

Devon (Vienna) McAllister resigned this Sunday from Hartland (Dave Wilcox) and will conclude service at the usual time of pastoral transition in July.

Janet & Richard Starks (Kingswood University) are wrapping up a couple weeks of ministry at Emmanuel Wesleyan Bible College in Eswatini.

  • Janet has been teaching Wesleyan History & Discipline. Janet shared, “It’s so interesting to study the history of Emmanuel Wesleyan Church because of the role the Reformed Baptists had in launching what is now The Wesleyan Church in  the Southern Africa Region – there are many familiar names in the documents.”

Richard preached on Mother’s Day at a church where the majority of the congregation was under the age of 25, including all the service leaders, and three young people committed their lives to Christ – PTL! He will be teaching about finances later in the week, and has been helping with lots of small maintenance projects.

  • Our interdependence with the International Wesleyan Church is a reciprocal blessing worthy of our time, treasure, and talents!

It was an eye-opening week as GS Wayne Schmidt led the General Board in a variety of small group exercises exploring innovative options for the future of the North American General Conference. The stark reality that more than 1/3 of our churches did not report a single baptism last year, provided poignant motivation for our prayerful discernment and dialog.

  • As you can see from the stats above, the top 25 churches (with 1K+ in attendance) celebrated approximately the same number of baptisms as the 1,050+ churches with less than 100 in attendance). The ratio of baptisms to attendees was however slightly higher for smaller churches (6.5% vs. 5%).

Emily Last (Southgate) shared a passionate devotional inspiring the entire board with the calling we all have in the personal evangelism of disciple-making.

CLICK HERE to check out this Kingswood Learn
Micro Course with Pastor B!

  • You can’t be unclean enough to make Jesus dirty. (Emily Last)
  • In the chaos and cacophony, prayer leads us to a settledness in God, in his timeless voice and the long story he’s unfolding in the world. But the journey doesn’t have to look, feel, or sound excellent. We just have to endure. (Jay Kim)
  • One danger of confusing the appearance of evil with actual evil, is that we can wind up prescribing repentance based on what appears sinful to us rather than what is sinful in God’s eyes. (Greg Coles)

Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District to the following families.

  • For the private family interment of Mrs. Dorothy MacDonald last week in Westchester, NS. Her legacy is rich with three of our Ordained Ministers including her son – Rev. Dale (Sherry) MacDonald (Woodstock Wesleyan), her daughter – Rev. Marilyn (Chris) Mansvelt (Cornerstone Wesleyan),and her grandson – Rev. Daniel (Natalie) Mansvelt (Hillside Wesleyan).
  • For Steve Brown and his children and extended family on the May 6th passing of his dear wife Tanya Brown. CLICK HERE for her obituary with opportunity to share words of personal support.
  • For Jordan (Jessica) Day (Moncton Wesleyan) and his mother, Fran, and siblings on the May 10th sudden and unexpected passing of his father, Mark Day. Details regarding a service are TBD and will be available on Fair Haven Funeral Home. CLICK HERE for opportunity to post words of support during this difficult time.
CLICK HERE for More Info & Registration
CLICK HERE for More Info & Registration

Atlantic Band of Brothers on Caton’s Island (May 31st – June 2nd)

Are you looking in the mirror and seeing a life that’s courageous, hopeful, and full of life… or broken, stuck, boring, and joyless? You are invited to take a weekend this spring to invest in who you are, and who you are becoming, as a man.

  • Join us at the 3-day Band of Brothers Boot Camp experience: An honest, no-nonsense trek into the deep passions and desires of a man’s heart, the healing of the wounds he’s taken in this battle, the realm of fatherhood and God and calling—life as it was meant to be lived.
Riverside Wesleyan Camp!

Summer is coming fast and you know what that means…camp season! Riverside Wesleyan Camp has three weeks of fun, activities, and worship planned for all ages. Registration is now open!

CLICK HERE for more information and Camp Registration.

Caton’s Island Camp Registration

CLICK HERE to register your children soon for the camp dates of your preference this summer – they fill up quickly!

  • Need a reminder of why a Christian Summer Camp experience is so important for our kids? CLICK HERE to be reignited with this truth.
Beulah Family Camp – July 6-14, 2024
CLICK HERE for the April edition of the Beulah Newsletter

CLICK HERE to check out Follow the Call
A new Wesleyan resource to disciple believers in processing a call to ministry.



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.