It’s Monday Again

In a powerful message that addressed a grieving province, Jay Guptill (Hillside) addressed the reality of this unfathomable tragedy. Jay challenged us that because “Evil has manifested itself – the pain that touches us also taunts us to retaliate and point fingers of blame.” In his online message yesterday, Jay shared (timestamp 35:10) how he is coping with the impact of this loss in his relationship with the widower of Cst. Heidi Stevenson.On a lighter note, it was encouraging to see the service end with an invitation to stick around for Coffee with the Pastor by joining a Zoom link displayed onscreen. This is the second week it has been offered with an average of about 50 live participants each time. Next week they are going to offer “breakout rooms” in the virtual foyer for people to have private conversations with others who show up. A great idea to foster real community in these days of virtual connection.

In a week of unprecedented decisions, the Camp Board on Tuesday (left) and DBA on Thursday (right) convened with prayerful deliberation. In light of the pandemic and by unanimous action of the DBA, Beulah Family Camp will ONLY be offered in an abbreviated virtual TBD format. A careful review of The King’s Highway confirms that Beulah Family Camp has not been cancelled since its beginning in 1894.Please download this COVID-19 Summer Announcement for full details of decisions regarding District Conference, Ordination, seasonal use of Beulah, Caton’s Island Camp & Riverside Camp. While the disruption of this pandemic is historic, we are blessed to have a strong team of district boards and leaders to serve us during these unusual days of challenge and opportunity.

SPECIAL FREE TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: This Zoom Virtual Workshop will provide world-class insights and high-level practical techniques for your leadership as a pastor in these continuing days of uncertainty. Please CLICK HERE to register by email to receive your Zoom link – This will be an excellent workshop for your entire pastoral team. Special thanks to our new Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch for making this possible. This 90-minute workshop begins at Noon ATLANTIC TIME on Thursday, April 30th, and is only open to the first 100 registrations.

- The Jesus we preach and the Gospel we uphold determines the disciple we get. (Dallas Willard & Bill Hull)
- “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring)
- I’m not saying physical ministry is going away. Of course it’s not. We’re relational beings. (Carey Nieuwhof)

- What: An Online Pentecost Prayer Event (click above for the video greeting)
- When: Pentecost Sunday, May 31st (7:00 p.m. ET, 8:00 p.m. AT, 8:30 p.m. NT)
- Who: The Wesleyan Church across North America and beyond
- How: Graphics and social media messages are available to promote this call to prayer – just visit for more information for you and your church family to participate

not only for the Church, but for her leaders.
- “The three determinants of culture are shared values, shared language and shared vision. Can you see ways to nurture and cultivate all three virtually?” (Scott Rodin) Shaping culture virtually in crisis is far from business as usual. These are days of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA). As James Emery White so clearly articulates, “You are leading in a VUCA world.” This blog gives excellent direction in how to effectively shape culture in our current context.
- National Superintendent Stephen Elliott has provided this helpful Summary of Government Financial Direction for consideration by local church leadership in response to the fiscal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Canadian Government Financial Link for COVID-19 Response. Canada Helps has also provided this Guide for Charities with Government Programs.
- HQ RESOURCES: We are grateful for the excellent and growing online hub of COVID-19 resources provided by The Wesleyan Church HERE which includes links such as our CMAD Division with specific direction for NextGen ministry innovationsuch as the NextGen Facebook Group for Wesleyan Youth Pastors/Leaders.
- This COVID-19 Ministry Resources PDF includes a variety of ministry links to explore as you seek the best way forward in leading your church family. Barna Research provides this Local Church COVID-19 Report from 1500 pastors recently surveyed.
- Online Service Webinars: “What if [Church] leaders started thinking of themselves as a digital organization with a physical presence, instead of a physical organization with a digital presence?” (Carey Nieuwhof) During Easter week, two of our local church pastors provided workshops (pictured above) for a Beginners Online Service (Tom Cann – Yarmouth) and an Intermediate Online Service (Shane Grant – Moncton). Also, a friendly reminder that your local church CCLI License does not cover streaming your worship songs. However, you can check out their CCLI Streaming License info HERE.

This inspiring annual event will be offered in a virtual format and will occur on May 29th @ 7:00 p.m. (Atlantic) – please register online at the event Facebook page HERE.
Looking for a meaningful way to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for your family or through your church family? Look no more – CLICK HERE for details on how you can honour your parents by investing in those who have no parents to provide for their future.
Want some good news to experience and share? Check out this spring newsletter from Executive Director Tanya Nace – we are grateful for her stellar leadership during these days!
World Hope International has created an online platform, Get-Support, to help communities and churches stay connected and provide support to one another. This is a platform where users can submit and respond to requests for assistance from one another. Five churches in the Atlantic District are registered to use Get-Support. If you are interested in using this tool in your church, watch this Webinar that explains how the system works. For more information and to register,

- Summary of Canadian Government Financial Direction for COVID-19 Response
- Overview of the Retirement Plan Life insurance and Long-term disability benefits
- Information for the Wesleyan Retirement Plan
- New form for allocating contributions to a Tax Free Savings Account
- Prayer Poster for our Canadian Missionaries (current as of Dec. 31, 2019). Full size posters are available from:
- Poster promoting the need/opportunities for Church Planting in Canada. Full size poster are available from:
- Direct Deposit form for the financial support of our Canadian Global Partners missionaries (accelerates donor process by at least 50%)
- 2020 options/contact info for the National Cell Phone Plan (Bell Aliant)
Click here for the 45-minute video 2025 presentation