It’s Monday Again
It was joy yesterday to be with our Connection family to lead in the Pastoral Installation of Luke (Breanne) Anderson. Church attendance was the highest it has been post-COVID. The Anderson family is also in an exciting transition at home as Breanne is expecting their third child in November!
Speaking of new life, there’s something in the water these days on the South Shore. Over the past month, our churches from Shelburne through Digby have celebrated 28 Believer’s Baptisms – PTL!

Nackawic (Ryan Farrell) held its 18th annual Well Walk yesterday to raise awareness and funds for a deep borehole well in Sierra Leone through World Hope International Canada.World Hope Executive Director Tanya Nace shared, “The commitment and energy of this congregation continue to amaze me. Ryan Farrell is an amazing leader. It was a treat to have Carl and Evelyn Brewer attend and a joy to join 33 others to walk for water. 81 people attended the gospel concert and church service – their first service all together outdoors on a beautiful fall day!”

Excellent preparation continued this week for Phase Two of our 2025 Values-Driven Vision. Full details will be unpacked in our January DS Dialog meetings. I am so grateful for the insightful leadership of Jon Wiest as he is shaping this collaborative co-invention effort alongside our Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch and Director of Kingswood Extended, Erik Ireland.Phase One has been a call to Renew Discipleship Pathways. Phase Two is a call to deploy the Kingdom force of a healthy discipleship process – to Refocus Pathway Ramps. What are the deployment ramps we need to intentionally provide for disciples to become disciple-makers?

Attention Youth Pastors: Interested in a 7-week program developed by Wesleyan leaders in the Northwest District? Click HERE to access all the details of this premium resource.Zach Coffin sent a reminder this week that the Next Gen department will be hosting multiple collaborative webinars this fall, so be sure to add yourself or invite your team to join our Next Gen Facebook Group to ensure you are the first to know!
- How can we invite people to ask – maybe I’m not only a disciple-maker, maybe I’m a pioneering leader? (Jon Wiest)
- We’re not here to reach our potential, we’re here to fulfill our calling. (Larry Osborne)
- God isn’t interested in saving the Church, He is interested in spending the Church to save the world. (Brent Ingersoll)
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)
- Check out these great resource above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.
- Many churches are preparing for an unexpected summer of in-person services alongside an online option. This resource from Matt Steen provides a helpful rubric in self-evaluation for five possible approaches (old-normal, simul-service, building-feeder, campus-launcher, and digital-disciple). Which one best informs your strategy as you return to weekly onsite services?

Click here to see a one-page overview
Click here for the 45-minute video 2025 presentation