Happy Canada Day & Independence Day this week to our Atlantic District family! We have so many opportunities to steward our response to be salt and light as citizens of heaven dwelling in our respective nations. For campers at Beulah this week, in lieu of the annual Canada Day parade, all are invited to join a special circle of prayer for our country in the Tabernacle @ 3:00 p.m. on July 1st.
CLICK HERE to see the updated schedule of Summer@Beulah for more information.

A Campfire Chat on July 18th (see below in upcoming events) will include a pre and post conversation that will be worth your while. This will feature both Graham Perry (
SJ1) & Kevin Campbell (ViceChair of
Moncton) – who are pictured above in our planning session this week. It starts at 7:00 p.m. but if you have a few extra minutes to tune in early at 6:50 p.m. you won’t be disappointed! A YouTube broadcast link will be included next week for your watch party on Sunday evening, July 18th (details below). In other Perry fun news,
CLICK HERE to enjoy part-two of a Sunday School song compilation offered recently on Facebook by brothers Kirk & Graham.

Hats off to all our pastors in the continued need to pivot and plan as we make our way out of this pandemic. This is especially true for our leaders in Nova Scotia as they have had a very challenging couple of months in light of stringent pandemic restrictions. The announcement above was sent out several weeks ago to the New Hope (Scott Prime) family. It is an excellent example of the local church plans that demonstrate the high level organization and constant communication shifts this season of leadership requires.

Congratulations are in order to DS Eric Hallett upon receiving an Extended Call during the virtual Central Canada District Conference this Saturday! While this was limited to an online experience, the inspiring and visionary report was enthusiastically received by the pastoral and lay delegates on nearly 150 Zoom screens. It was a privilege to bring greetings to the CCD on your behalf as we celebrate the post-pandemic opportunities that are emerging in our partnership through
The Wesleyan Church of Canada under the direction of National Superintendent Steve Elliott.DS Hallett is also a regular contributor to
Thrive in Five (
CLICK HERE to subscribe) offered through Education & Clergy Development.
CLICK HERE to glean wisdom from Eric’s recent post.
A couple of IMA’s ago, Worship & Arts Pastor Marc Jolicoeur (
Moncton – pictured above right) was the first to acknowledge a fun “Dad Joke” buried in one item reported. All the pastoral staff and LBA have been rewarded for his savvy and speedy response with
The Wesleyan Church COVID masks. They were delivered this week to the first in-person full staff meeting which was held as approved by the PNB with permission to actually not wear masks. It was a privilege to share a devotional thought at the invitation of Joel Gorveatte with his impressive and high-octane team of Kingdom servants.

Saturday also included a few hours with those who provide leadership for
Beulah Camp & Conference Center. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch constructed an excellent early summer connection for team development as we serve together in management of BCCC. We are blessed by the tireless efforts of our Conference Coordinator (Gail-Anne Brown), Executive Administrator (Karrilee Bremner), and Caretaker (Mike White).
We rarely make mention in IMA of anniversaries in our ministerial family, but this one just has to receive some attention. Congratulations on 70 years of marriage celebrated this week by Rev. Dr. Laurence & Mrs. Vesta Mullen!!! Still hand-holding lovebirds making new memories together as they continue to influence the world for God and for good. Their grand-daughter said it best, “Four children, 8 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren and countless other lives touched by their love for each other and their love of Christ.”
Ellen joins me in expressing condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District family to Jim & Diane Agrell (
Encounter) on Friday’s passing of his father, Paul. Thankfully, Jim was able to cross the border to be with his extended family in Maine as they grieve their loss and make plans to celebrate his life. Please feel free to
CLICK HERE and share condolenceswith the family on JIm’s Facebook post about his Dad.
Also, many of you have already been blessed by the impactful life of Janet Ingersoll
as posted in her obituary. A reminder to those of you who plan to attend in-person to express your support for Don and the Ingersoll family, please
CLICK HERE to preregister.