It’s Monday Again

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: We have shingles. No, not THAT kind. Cedar shingles. They are already purchased, but we are running out of time to finish shingling the exterior of the Choate Dining Hall expansion and could use a hand to get the job done before the end of summer. CLICK HERE for more details on how to get involved.

Summer is a great time to explore new ministry resources. Here are a few that may be particularly helpful as you are in the final stretch of preparation for the fall launch of ministries.
- Top 3 free ebooks from (including Disciple Making Metrics by Dan Spader)
- Relaunching four key ministry areas (Aspen Group)
- The opportunity filter & SixQ (David Drury)
- Rebooting your church (James Emery White)
Points to Ponder
- Wisdom is best shared by saying less, not more. (Kevin Campbell)
- Fear and anxiety are minimized when we maximize our time together with those who make us better. (James Albright)
- We are growing increasingly fragmented and divided by an ever-narrowing explosion of sub-orthodoxies built on divides, and then elevating such conversations to the level of the Nicene Creed. (James Emery White)

- Our friends at Ministry Architects have a new FREE resource library just for YOU and your Kids’ & Student Ministry leaders. It includes many helpful templates, dashboards and resources for Kids’, Student and Young Adult Ministry. They are excited to share these resources with you and hope this library will come at the right time as you begin looking forward to the next school year. To view this resource library, click here!
- CLICK HERE for the up-to-date schedule with full details and downloadable PDFs
- Another great addition to BCCC this year is the Beulah Activity Center (BAC) – CLICK HERE to check this out along with other great new additions like the nine-hole frisbee golf course.

- If you missed the broadcast, grab a warm beverage and CLICK HERE to check it out (It is marked to begin after the pre-show @ the 13:55 timestamp).
- The post-show included an interview with Lead Pastor Mark Soone at The River in Bangor, Maine along with his Vice-Chair, Larry Keezer. CLICK HERE to hear what it’s like to candidate in an entirely virtual process and/or view the other video testimonies shared around the campfire.
- A special highlight included an in-person visit from Rev. Roosevelt T. Benson as he was honoured for 71 years as an Ordained Minister (timestamp 30:03).
- Another highlight of District Camp Ministry was shared by Tami Mutch-Ketch (timestamp 23:44).
- SAVE THE DATE: As announced during A Campfire Chat, District Ministerial will convene at the Valley location of Kings (Brent Ingersoll) on January 19-20, 2022(more details TBA – begins @ 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday and concludes with the evening rally on Thursday).