And just like that, another Kingdom location was born. It was a very big day on the South Shore. Tom Cann preached his first message as Campus Pastor of
South Churchyesterday morning. Nearly 100 gathered (maximum COVID capacity) for this official launch in the south-end of Yarmouth as the third location and second multi-church of
Yarmouth Wesleyan Church (AJ Plaizier). Take that – Mr. Pandemic! The mission to take Jesus into every community in South-West Nova is alive and well.
Last night, Campus Pastor Jason Parker preached at the 2nd Anniversary of
Coastal Church, the first multi-church launched out of Yarmouth Wesleyan (2019) in strategic partnership with Woods Harbour Wesleyan. And best of all, two new names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life following an impromptu invitation at the end of the service – PTL! Every number has a name, and every name has a story that matters for eternity.

But wait – there’s more! Yarmouth Wesleyan celebrated its 72nd birthday in both services yesterday morning. Total attendance in all three locations maxed out COVID restriction capacity with approximately 700 – in a pandemic – incredible. The first-ever three location multi-church in Nova Scotia. Lead Pastor AJ Plaizier shared inspirational and powerful thoughts earlier this week about standing on the shoulders of previous generations in this Facebook post (
CLICK HERE – for this informal but passionate perspective that is so worth your time).AJ’s message included one of the Anchor Points (core values) of being
Multiplication Obsessed:
We will develop and send ordinary people to actively expand the Kingdom of Heaven by living on mission. The apostolic influence of this Kingdom leader is making an eternal difference across the region. We are blessed and the Kingdom is advancing.

Deep Water Dartmouth Campus Pastor Matthew Thomas shared, “After an 18-month lay off we are pumped to be back in Dartmouth at our new location. We established a kingdom relationship with the local Catholic Church to lease their space for our gatherings.” En route to Yarmouth on Saturday, I enjoyed a tour of this facility with Lead Pastor AJ Thomas.
Matthew shared, “We’re now located at Saint Paul’s Church (199 Windmill Rd) in the middle of downtown and the Dartmouth North area. Many social challenges exist in this community but we’re excited for the opportunity to be Christ’s hands and feet! We remember and celebrate what God has done in the launch of DW Dartmouth, but we look forward to what God is doing and will do as we relaunch back in Dartmouth.”
Pandemic disruptions continue and I am immeasurably grateful for the diligence of our DBA in providing ongoing guidance and wisdom as we seek to play our part in the safety of our communities without compromising the transforming presence of the Gospel they need most of all.
Kings (Brent Ingersoll) celebrated the conclusion of its 8th LOVE WEEK yesterday.
CLICK HERE to be inspired with a two-minute summary of some of the highlights from this past week. If you have time for the full video presentation shared in the services –
CLICK HERE. More than $210,000 was generously donated and 1,745 volunteer hours were invested over the past week. Every penny donated was given away in the Name of Jesus to deserving needs outside the ministry of Kings Church.

- Nackawic (Ryan Farrell) held its 19th annual Well Walk to raise funds for clean water in Sierra Leone. Tanya Nace was present to walk and preach. It was a meaningful time of hearing from God, sharing a meal together and remembering the importance of our global Kingdom family.
- World Hope is launching a new ministry in Grand Bahama and announced this week that Hope Garden Ministries out of Fredericton, NB has joined World Hope International. Together, we are excited to launch the Hope Garden project, a ministry for children and early childhood educators in The Bahamas. For more information on this new project, please connect with Tanya Nace at
- This included a total of eight Christian Colleges from across North America and was offered in a hybrid format. It was deeply encouraging and practically empowering – special thanks to the initiative of Dr. Lennox as we look to the future of continued Kingdom impact under his effective leadership.
Houlton (Wayne Robertson) Staff Update: It was announced this month that Matt (Ashley) Blackford will be resigning as Youth Pastor effective mid-October as he has accepted a position as Outreach Minister at Blue Springs Christian Church in Missouri. Congratulations Matt – we wish you and Ashley and your family all of God’s blessings and best in this next chapter of your life and ministry!
Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District to President Steve & Eileen Lennox on Saturday’s passing of her mother, Joan Bauer. We also lift up her sister Audrey (Barry) Long and the extended family including five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.