It’s Monday Again

Merry Christmas! Thanks to Tim Long (Live Well) for posting the above beach nativity scene – a truly Atlantic tableau capturing the reason for the season. The past week of extreme pandemic restrictions has been a roller coaster for leaders across the region leaving many with little choice but to convert Christmas Eve celebrations to virtual-only events.

So many pastors have posted poignant and relevant reflections regarding this second COVID Christmas on social media or in church e-newsletters. As you enjoy a few days to rest with extra time for family during this Christmas break, take a moment to ponder the following admonition offered by Ken Banks to the Blacks Harbour family…”As we wind down 2021, I think that we all can relate to the feelings of fatigue and frustration. The past 1.5 years has been a hard slog for many of us. And who among us knows how much further we will need to go. It is easy to grumble and growl (believe me, I know). But let’s not park there.

Instead, may you and I as people of faith in Christ Jesus, listen to His words rather than those of others or even ourselves. Yes, He said that we would have troubles in this world – and we certainly do; but that we are to take heart, for He has overcome! Let’s not choose the easy route of living in the land of the grumpy, though often justified, but rather choose to practice what Jesus taught us…to love Him and to love others.

We are to be salt and light in a dark and weary land. People need the Lord. We are called to follow Jesus…to do the will of the Father…and to live in victory. We need His help each and every day to do that. Like Joshua, let’s choose to serve the Lord. The Church and her people are at their best when we do.

We can lament our losses. Grief is real. God understands. He is the God of all comfort; and we can cast our cares on Him for He cares for us. At the same time, Jesus invites us to abundant life. So as we approach Christmas, remember that God is with us. We are not alone. The best is yet to come! Merry Christmas!”

What a perfect week of the year to welcome our newest member of the Atlantic Tribe – Everleigh Dawn Elizabeth Peck! Congratulations to Curtlen & Victoria Peck (Digby) on the happy arrival of their daughter and first-born on December 20th at 11:55 p.m. (7 lbs.13 oz.). The proud Dad shared, “Momma and baby are both happy and healthy!”
Points to Ponder
  • Joy is more contagious than Covid-19. (Luke Anderson)
  • Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done. Forgiving means abandoning your right to pay back the perpetrator in his own coin. (Desmond Tutu)
  • Best of all, God with us. (John Wesley)

Our National Superintendent, Dr. Steve Elliott, has issued a 65-day challenge to all Wesleyans to read and journal through a significant portion of the New Testament, beginning Jan. 17, through to Good Friday.  For those who want to accept the challenge, the reading schedule and journals are available at our cost of $6.50 (incl. shipping) directly from our national office (

It’s been two years since we have gathered. Two years! Our January 2020 Ministerial at the Saint John Delta seems like a lifetime ago. We are a people who gather to strengthen in multiple ways both big and small each year and we could have never imagined a world that would not allow us to be together. This 24-hour Ministerial experience has been prayerfully designed to invite the Spirit’s renewal in our hearts as we lean into the beginnings of a post-pandemic ministry context.
Note to Maine Pastors: An early January email will provide more details for those coming across the border. If a PCR test is still required to enter Canada, registration will be complimentary upon request for our Maine pastors if the pricing for COVID tests remains a necessity. If the border crossing is too prohibitive, Framework Church will host an in-person livestream from Kings Church for all Maine pastors registered.

This Christmas, why not give a gift that keeps on giving? Caton’s Island is focused on providing a fun, safe, amazing experience that has one purpose, to show the love of Christ to everyone who attends. When you give to Caton’s, as a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift, you are supporting projects like the Choate Dining Hall Expansion, facility upgrades, maintenance, and overall camp operations. Your gift provides a life-changing experience to campers and staff that attend each year, making your donation a greater impact than you will ever know! All donations go to general operations unless otherwise designated. If you wish to give to a specific project just let us know when making a donation.
Thank you for your generosity – Merry Christmas!

Kingswood University still has tickets available for our Fall Vision Tour Cruise. For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact Debbie Benson (506-432-4411 or



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.