‘Tis the season of LBA meetings for pastoral evaluations and transitions. Assistant DS Scott Prime (New Hope) and I were privileged to be present with the Hillside LBA this past week in preparation for yesterday’s announcement that Jay (Sharon) Guptill will be concluding 15 years as Lead Pastor at the time of usual pastoral transition this summer.
CLICK HERE for more information on this change ahead for the Guptills. Our region is blessed with longevity in service by so many in our Ministerial Tribe. Congratulations Jay & Sharon on being the longest serving pastoral couple in the nearly 50-year history of this special church family.
- It was also announced yesterday at Lower Hainesville that new Lead Pastor Peggy Yetman will begin on February 27th. Special thanks to Nick Graham & Bruce Cheney for providing pulpit supply over recent weeks.
A new sermon series from Jeremiah at
Journey (Matt Maxwell) is followed up each Monday @ Noon with an “Off the Top” opportunity to tune in with the pastoral staff to unpack the message with some impromptu Q&A – hats off to Patrick Doohan who was a superb host for the first edition last Monday.
CLICK HERE to check it out (starts @ 0:30)!
- Lighthouse Church (John Lamos) is getting ready for another baptism soon! There were 10 salvations over the fall and 10-15 families gather every Sunday night for Alpha on Zoom. Adam DeMerchant is hosting 70-80 for online youth – God is at work!
The DBMD Executive convened this week to conduct an interview for an Ordained Minister in the early stages of transfer from another denomination. I am grateful for the diligence of this group and for the excellent planning by DBMD Chair Dale MacDonald (
Woodstock) in scheduling DBMD interviews in March & April. Thanks in advance for the timely submission of your forms and references!
Beulah is the perfect spot for a winter retreat, vacation or day trip. Our staff and volunteers are always finding something new to do at Beulah! You can go sledding, snowshoeing, skating, play pond hockey, broom ball, build a snowman, roast marshmallows at the fire pit, or any winter activity you can think of.
Beulah Camp is not just a summer destination!
Check out the
Winter@Beulah page for information about the upcoming Winter Family Day activities planned for Saturday February 19th, lodging rentals, and to view the Winter@Beulah photography by Deborah MacCallum. Our Conference Coordinator Gail-Anne Brown
cc@beulahcamp.com would be delighted to assist you in planning your stay.
CLICK HERE to view a recent Facebook post with skating on Lake Galilee.
CEO Tanya Nace convened the Board of Directors for
World Hope International (Canada)this Thursday. Training is underway to enhance the Policy Governance of the BOD in better serving these days of momentum and effectiveness.

All pastors who were registered for District Ministerial will soon be receiving a copy of The Emotionally Healthy Leader. This will be the primary resource for all Pastor Clusters until the fall. Some books are being mailed, others are available at a pick-up location. Karrilee will contact you with the location specific to you if your book has not been mailed. More detail will be available next IMA on the benefits of engaging this incredible resource. Any pastor who was not registered for Ministerial but would like to join a Pastor Cluster to share in this journey may contact me to be assigned to a group and will also receive a copy of Scazzero’s work.
Caton’s Island registration for the summer of 2022 will be open in early February! Start planning now to register next month to guarantee access to your preferred camp and dates. Stay tuned for more detail next Monday!
Ellen joins me in expressing condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District to Glen & Eleanor McVicar on the passing this weekend of his brother, Herbert. Your prayers and support for the McVicar’s and their extended family are deeply appreciated. Obituary and funeral information is pending.