It’s Monday Again

- Why not copy the Zoom link into your calendar now?
- Passcode: 715006

- Yesterday Aaron (Vanessa) Reimer announced his resignation at the usual time of pastoral transition in July as Lead Pastor at Island.
- Congratulations to Rich Thomas who received an unanimous vote yesterday from the Easton family for an Extended Call as Lead Pastor. Rich will also continue to serve under District Appointment as Lead Pastor of Community for the coming year.
- Reg (Janice) Thomas also announced his resignation in yesterday’s service at Perth Andover with 13 years of service concluding in July.
- Steve (Heather) Bradley announced his retirement commencing at the end of June. He has been serving as Lead Pastor of Browns Flat Fellowship and this will conclude 50 consecutive years of pastoral ministry – an incredible Kingdom investment!

- The weight of leadership never leaves leaders. Wise ones learn how to deal with it. (Carey Nieuwhof)
- My job is to build My church. Your job is to make disciples. (Jon Wiest)
- The Gospel is less about how to get into the Kingdom of Heaven after you die, and more about how to live in the Kingdom of Heaven before you die. (Dallas Willard)

Looking for ways to invest in the CR leaders of your church?
This is the perfect opportunity to prepare for launching a Celebrate Recovery program!
CLICK HERE – Conference Registration Details.
CLICK HERE – Conference Speaker Details including Adam Brewer (Kings West)

Check out the Winter@Beulah page for information about the upcoming Winter Family Day activities planned for Saturday February 19th, lodging rentals, and to view the Winter@Beulah photography by Deborah MacCallum. Our Conference Coordinator Gail-Anne Brown would be delighted to assist you in planning your stay. CLICK HERE to view a recent Facebook post with skating on Lake Galilee.