It’s Monday Again

- Crosspoint (Tim Guptill) shared an exciting announcement in yesterday’s services! By unanimous vote of the LBA this week, John (Kelsey) Sherwood will be candidating for Lead Pastor on March 20th. Special thanks to the LBA of our Crosspoint family for their diligence in seeking the right person at the right time to present for congregational vote which will be held immediately follow both services on that Sunday.

AJ Plaizier (Yarmouth) and David Zigler (Coastal Community) will be sharing THIS Thursday in a live Zoom session with a back and forth dialog about the reasons to develop and implement what Scazzero calls A Rule of Life. CLICK HERE for the Zoom link to join them on Thursday, February 24th @ 2:00 p.m. Atlantic Time. This live presentation will conclude with time for Q&A. This testimonial dialog will teach you how do you make one, explore the inventory questions, and provide some examples.
- Why not copy the Zoom link into your calendar now?
- Passcode: 715006
This is a companion conversation for the panel discussion offered on February 10th regarding Emotionally Healthy Leader. CLICK HERE to review why this book is so different from just any book on pastoral leadership. It could be the most import 30-45 minutes of your month. Pastor Cluster Leaders are encouraged to use this testimonial dialog to inform and inspire the journey of renewal unfolding in the months ahead in our Clusters.
- CLICK HERE for a detailed overview of how to create a Rule of Life with a practical workbook. I am currently scheduled for a 48-hour retreat later this week to recalibrate this practice in my life. All Atlantic ministers are strongly encouraged to take a 24-48 hour personal retreat before summer to ask the Lord how this tool may best apply to their rhythms of life in Kingdom leadership.

- Our life patterns, directed towards God, reshape us as agents of renewal in the world. (Mark Sayers)
- Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape. (Tim Guptill)
- I’m less concerned with all the things we may disagree about than I am how we do it in ways that are not loving to God and others. (Joel Gorveatte)

Looking for ways to invest in the CR leaders of your church?
This is the perfect opportunity to prepare for launching a Celebrate Recovery program!
CLICK HERE – Conference Registration Details.
CLICK HERE – Conference Speaker Details including Adam Brewer (Kings West)

Check out the Winter@Beulah page for information about lodging rentals, and to view the Winter@Beulah photography by Deborah MacCallum. Our Conference Coordinator Gail-Anne Brown would be delighted to assist you in planning your stay.