It’s Monday Again
One Con lived up to its name as it lifted up the Name of Jesus in the Moncton Colosseum this weekend! On just the second year, this premier regional youth conference had 3059 registered middle and high school attendees plus approximately 200 volunteers and staff. That’s an increase of about 400 from last year. There were 159 churches in attendance (including the majority of Atlantic Wesleyan youth groups) – 26 more than last year – from at least 10 different denominations. Passion Music led inspiring worship and speakers included Sadie Robertson, Mike Miller, and Carlos Whittaker. The genesis of this Kingdom event for our region occurred in a conversation two years ago between Lead Pastor Brent Ingersoll and Pastor of Student Ministry Andy Broad @ Kings. This led to further conversation between Andy and Andrew Glidden (former Kingswood University students together) of the CBAC to merge Rally in the Valley and Spring Forth annual youth rallies. This Kingdom synergy has exploded into unprecedented unity in the Body of Christ in our region. The planning team for One Con 2019 included Andy & Kari Broad with Sara Lamos of Kings, Bradford Rogers of Deep Water, and Drew Donovan of Moncton. Inspired by the truth that revival starts with obedience, hundreds of students committed to be obedient to the call of God on their life. The whole weekend was anointed and the Spirit moved in power!
Several Atlantic Wesleyan Churches highlighted Amplify Leaders‘ Sunday yesterday. District Director of Global Partners Denn Guptill and Lead Pastor of Cornerstone collected $3,900 which will total with the other church commitments enough to train three international Wesleyan pastors.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The 877-REVCARE helpline has changed. Beginning June 1, the new number to is 800-53PASTOR. Also, the new service provider is Full Strength Network. FSN is one of our key premiere ministry partners whose sole purpose is to strengthen pastors and their families. They have access to a growing national network of vetted counselors, caregivers and service providers and are passionate about helping pastors and their families thrive in ministry life.
- It’s completely confidential with a coast-to-coast network of professional counselors and clergy care providers with coverage across all time zones
- 24/7 secure voicemail with confidential call back
Graham Perry (SJ1) hosted a pizza party for 56 people after church yesterday who have all started attending in the past 8 months. In addition, the recent Alpha Course averaged over 100 with great food, conversations and lives changed.
Houlton (Wayne Robertson) conducted a congregational vote yesterday to engage a three-quarter million dollar facility expansion. This was one of the long-range recommendations of a Maximizing Impact Team three years ago and received a strong vote of support to move forward.
Jim Agrell (Sussex) reported that the annual Celebration & Vision Meeting this week had exciting news with money in the bank, growth by about 60 over last year, and the approval of a name change to Encounter which will be rolled out this fall.
Pastoral / Church Transitions
- Crosspoint announced this weekend that while the LBA continues its pastoral search following the resignation of Lead Pastor Mark Brewer, John Symonds will begin serving as Interim Lead Pastor in mid-July.
- This move created a pending vacancy at Blacks Harbour. In mid-July Dr. HC Wilson will begin serving in a special arrangement as Interim Lead Pastor along with the addition of Assistant Pastor Mark McCluskey (the Jordans will continue in their current roles).
- Welcome to Mel Evans as one of the worship leaders at Deep Water (AJ Thomas). She starts in September at the North St. Campus as Geoff Fifield will be serving at the Deep Water Dartmouth launch.
- Welcome to part-time Student Ministries Director Michael Gregory at Amherst (Evan Oxner). He has volunteered for two years and came on staff mid-May.
- Welcome to Caleb MacCallum who has accepted the invitation of Woodstock (Dale MacDonald) to be the Director of Student Ministries after his summer role at Caton’s Islandhas concluded.
Director Dean Stephenson reports that as of May 31, Caton’s Island is up 139 registrations from this time last year online. Make sure to register early to guarantee availability at your preferred camp option.
Beulah Family Camp – Evening on the Boulevard Opportunity
One of the many highlights of Beulah Family Camp is our Wednesday Evening-on-the-Boulevard. This year will offer expanded opportunities to be involved to raise funds for worthy ministry projects. If your church or group is interested please contact Rob Trafton for more information (506.434.1445 or Some new delights would be greatly appreciated to enhance this time of fellowship for our district family.
- In my travels I get to see a lot of churches. I have noticed in thriving churches a healthy balance of the pastoral and the prophetic, the attractional and missional. A move past “gather, care, keep” to “gather, care, train, send.” (Mike MacNeil) #raisingleaders #kingdommultiplication
- Yes, the Bible talks about church being a fellowship or, as it refers to it in the Greek, a koinonia. But if that’s all you have, you don’t have koinonia, you have “koinoitis.” We’re supposed to be a community on mission. (James Emery White)
Caton’s Island is hosting a first-ever ladies weekend (June 7-9)! Come and be refreshed and renewed, so ladies if you ever wanted to attend camp as an adult, this is for you. There will be plenty of opportunity to connect with nature and other women. Clarenda Price, of Aspire Fitness will join us to lead us through an emotional reflection journey, Margot Bandy will be leading a practical way to study your Bible, Jennie Hersey will be joining us to provide some self care tips (think massage and stress relief), Zumba, bootcamp and much more. We hope you join us to spend the weekend finding refreshment and connection. To register or submit questions please CLICK HERE (Cost: $70 one night, $90 all weekend).
The 2019 Camp Evangelists, Lenny Luchetti and Moe Diggs, will serve alongside another inspiring year of worship ministry under the leadership of Kelly Jay (July 5-14). Check out this line up for Super Saturday kick-off for Beulah Family Camp on July 6th – don’t miss the opportunity to have your family and friends enjoy this packed day. Feel free to print this poster for your church bulletin board.
Every weekend between Beulah Family Camp and Labour Day has scheduled family activities to enjoy for those who have a cottage / RV site. Download this schedule HERE.
A Word from Caton’s Island Overseer – Brian Murray!
A call to carpenters and those handy with tools! Caton’s Island has become a shining light on our district. Throughout the years, hundreds of young people have received Christ as their Saviour and have continued on to become great leaders of this ministry.
Caton’s Island is now preparing to embark on its largest and most ambitious project; to extend the present kitchen and dining room to seat 400 people and to make a fully equipped restaurant quality kitchen. The Choate Dining Hall Expansion begins this spring.
We ask our pastors to present this project to the congregation and to set up teams that will coordinate with Brian Murray who is overseeing this effort. Formal plans for all required equipment, electrical, plumbing, and other materials are near completion and we have presently raised $170K+ towards the total cost of $220K for Phase ONE which will be completed this summer. We do not wish to go into debt for this project, therefore we shall build in phases beginning with the structure this year. Then trusting those who see the great potential of Caton’s – to pray and donate time, expertise and finances. We have presently hired on-site manager and he will be developing and planning the work schedule along with Brian as project manager and Caton’s Overseer.
Pastors, if you would, please share this good news with your church family! Send your people and their questions for how to get involved to Brian Murray (, 506.375.4330).

Dr. Lenny Luchetti serves as Professor of Proclamation at Wesley Seminary. He is known as an “insightful professor with a pastor’s heart.” Lenny is the author of Abingdon’s Preaching with Empathy: Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture (Fall 2018) as well as Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide, which has been nationally recognized by Outreach and Preaching magazines as one of the best books on preaching in its publication year.
This summer at Beulah Family Camp, Lenny will serve as our first Evangelist. In addition to preaching Sunday through Wednesday, he will be offering an afternoon workshop on Wednesday, July 10th, entitled Practices for Preaching with Empathy in a Culture of Apathy. The first 50 pastors to register by clicking HERE on or before June 1st will receive a complementary copy of his book courtesy of the Atlantic District.