It’s Monday Again
The 2019 Camp Evangelists, Lenny Luchetti (July 7-10) and Moe Diggs (July 11-14), are preaching alongside another inspiring year of worship ministry under the leadership of Kelly Jay. download the 2019 Camp Handbook click HERE. The Super Saturday events and opening day of services yesterday were blessed by great crowds and excellent weather. A picture is worth 1000 words so… enjoy!

The Global Partners Missionary Alumni event on Sunday afternoon featured an inspiring presentation from newlyweds Robin & Yoko White who are serving in Japan (pictured above – lower right corner).
See Beulah Family Camp items below in Upcoming Events for Children’s Ministry Huddle, Preaching Seminar, & Kingswood Day (with hot air ballon ride)…

The drawing above represents the projected expansion for the Choate Dining Hall on Caton’s Island. Work has begun on phase one which will cost $252K. Detailed plans and costs for this project are available upon request to Project Manager and Caton’s Island Overseer Brian Murray. A special offering will be taken during Beulah Family Camp to contribute to the completion of phase one which has currently received nearly $235K in donations to date. This does not include pledged amounts or additional projections of estimated giving, but actual donations in hand. We praise God for His provision as we seek to expand seating and serving capacity for 420+ per meal. Pending donations for additional phases, we hope to complete the entire expansion for use by the summer of 2021. Along with the finished Stephenson Center, this capital improvement will open the door for exponential growth in reaching students for Christ in the years ahead!
- The level of our holiness is measured not only by our love for God but by our love for people not like us and people we don’t like.
- Legalism and libertinism are fig leaves we use to cover our pride and lust.
- Sharing the good news of the Gospel is not offensive – not sharing it is.

Dr. Lenny Luchetti serves as Professor of Proclamation at Wesley Seminary. He is known as an “insightful professor with a pastor’s heart.” Lenny is the author of Abingdon’s Preaching with Empathy: Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture (Fall 2018) as well as Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide, which has been nationally recognized by Outreach and Preaching magazines as one of the best books on preaching in its publication year.
This summer at Beulah Family Camp, Lenny will serve as our first Evangelist. In addition to preaching Sunday through Wednesday, he will be offering an afternoon workshop on Wednesday, July 10th, entitled Practices for Preaching with Empathy in a Culture of Apathy. The first 50 pastors to register by clicking HERE will receive a complementary copy of his book courtesy of the Atlantic District.

Thursday, July 11, is Kingswood Day at Beulah Family Camp so anyone wearing Kingswood swag on that day can fill out a ballot for a tethered hot air balloon ride that evening. We will host our Kingswood Reception that evening in the space close to the tabernacle – lots of chances to connect with Kingswood alumni and friends – Plan now to be part of this great evening.