It’s Monday Again
A new church name was launched yesterday in Sussex as Jim Agrell delivered a passionate message from Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Encounter was bursting at the seams with 385 in attendance. Churches across the Atlantic District held fall launch Sundays with encouraging reports and posts.

The final ministry event of the summer took place with another impactful Men’s Weekend. Nathan Adams (Moncton) was the speaker for about 60 men who gathered for great food, fellowship, and fun (skeet shooting is always a highlight).
Barry Vernon (Port Maitland) continues to lead a focused relationship in mobilizing the church family to engage the local elementary school. This Friday they provided a free BBQ with 165 hamburgers and hotdogs as an encouragement to the teachers and students.

Missions Pastor Deborah Guptill (Cornerstone) trained last summer with World Hope International (Canada) and learned to use Katadyn Outdoor aquifers. When these devices are set up they will run 24/7 (using solar power by day and generators by night) to make clean water straight from the ocean or other water sources.
Deb arrived in the Bahamas this weekend with World Hope to assist in providing water, supplies, and other aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. She shares, “Please be praying for the teams here with all organizations, and the people of the Bahamas.”
Points to Ponder:
- Building relationships is a key part of spiritual formation. Salvation is more than securing your eternal destination. (Jon Wiest)
- Your discipleship pathway will shape your people’s character, while your leadership pipeline will develop their competencies. Your discipleship pathway will transform hearts, while your leadership pipeline will train transforming agents. Your discipleship pathway will develop, while your leadership pipeline will deploy. (Daniel Im)
- Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession…Cheap grace is grace without discipleship. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Sign up or email Joel Liechty for a Zoom overview of an LBA training resource on Wednesday, September 25th at 2:30 pm (Atlantic). Linchpin Leadership is an enhanced online, interactive learning journey for pastors and local church board leaders. This experience will guide the local church board through training designed to help the board flourish in its role of spiritual leadership.

ATTENTION YOUTH PASTORS/LEADERS: Co-District Youth Presidents, Drew Donovan (Kingswood University) & Martin Stehouwer (SJ1), are hosting a Youth Leaders Basecamp as noted above. This free training and networking event is open to all local church youth workers (pastoral and lay). For detailed information download this promotional PDF.

IMPORTANT: Research conducted by the EFC shows that when a non-family member from the student’s home church helps them make early connections with a nearby or on-campus faith community it is the greatest predictor for young adults to maintain their personal walk of faith.
– Fredericton: Corbett Avenue, Crosspoint, Journey
– Halifax: Cornerstone, Deep Water, Hillside, Kings
– Moncton: Moncton
– Presque Isle: Framework
– Sackville: Amherst
– Saint John: Kings, Saint John First
– St. John’s: Solid Rock
– Sussex: Encounter
– Wolfville: New Hope

World Hope International (Canada) is offering a short-term mission trip opportunity to minister in Ukraine. This Vision Trip for Pastors and Lay Leaders will take place in Odessa during November 22-29 this fall. Full details are available HERE. Team leader Ben Last (Southgate) offers some excellent advice HERE for those considering participation on this mission.
ATTN Maine Churches: For detailed information on how to to best provide financial support for World Hope’s work in Ukraine please download this PDF.

Registration resources can be downloaded HERE including access to tutorial videos
Click HERE to download this promo poster for your missions events.