It’s Monday Again


Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) hosted their second information meeting for their Sackville/Beaver Bank satellite to be launched in the fall of 2020. Windgate Site Pastor, Rob McDowell, cast vision to the 15 families which were represented in these early days of preparation. #kingdommultiplication

The next DS Zone Dialog was held at Hartland (Dave Wilcox) (pictured above) this week. These provide an in-depth overview of the four phases of the 2025 Horizon Storyline, our values-driven vision launched at District Conference. Attendance is optional – hope to see you there. I am deeply passionate about unleashing Kingdom force for unprecedented spiritual invasion into and out of the Atlantic Region! #contextualeffectiveness
Remaining Zone Logistics. Location with lunch provided @ 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. local time:
Oct 29th – Kingswood University (Southern NB Zone)*
*The KU Zone Dialog will begin at 11:00 a.m. and all those attending are encouraged to come for Chapel @ 9:30 a.m. (This will push the end time to 3:00 p.m.).
Note to Retired Ministers: You are welcome to attend any of these Zone options. Please notify Karrilee @ District Office in advance.

Jennifer Adams is a volunteer who has travelled from one of our Wesleyan churches to the Bahamas with World Hope International Canada (Executive Director Tanya Nace). She was one of dozens of individuals who were trained to run the Katadyn desalination unit last summer during the World Hope Canada Fresh Water Production training. Click here to see an update on World Hope’s response to Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas.
She posted these inspirational insights this week as she served, “Parts of the Bahamas have been totally destroyed. The destruction feels like a scene out of a terrible movie. BUT the people are resilient. Fair. They love and respect their neighbours. Helpful. All around amazing people. The people here to work with them are just as amazing. Watching all of the NGOs do their work. Each a small or large part in the humanitarian aid machine. The people we have met all over this beautiful place. I am sleeping in a tent. I am hot and look like a natural disaster myself but I have never felt more reason to be doing something. Everyone here is in a tent. Rich and poor alike. This will take a lot of time to rebuild. In the mean time I am reminded of what Jesus said, ‘…they were thirsty and you gave them something to drink.’ My mission has been water. But my real mission is seeing people and respecting their value.”

Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) has seen a large number of volunteers take part in this endeavor (in part through WHI-C). Jon Westrup has served five weeks. Alan Dunn for 3.5 weeks. Jenn Adams and Dorothy Gaudet for 1.5 weeks. Mark Day for 1 week. And then 3 more yesterday slated for a week each – Rhoda Sturgeon, Ross MacCallum, and Darren Phillips. Two other teams of 3 are on standby for the next two weeks. And that’s just one church. Thanks to so many who are giving sacrificially of their time and finances to make this possible in the Name of Jesus. #globalcollective
To give in support of this ongoing effort through World Hope Canada click HERE.
Points to Ponder:
- We are living in digital Babylon. Will we go along to get along or will we take a Daniel stand? (Eric Hallett)
- If we’re going to put our treasure in heaven, then that’s about people. (Keith Loy)
- Spiritual maturity is not measured by your knowledge of obscure bible trivia. It’s measured by the fruit of the Spirit being abundantly evident in our lives. (Ed Stetzer)

Registration is now open for the 2019 BLI Believability Tour on November 9th in Moncton! This one-day annual event is a proven Kingdom resource for lay leaders and pastors. This link for the official e-promo provides full details. Carey Nieuwhof will offer the keynote presentation with an impressive line-up of Kingdom influencers who will share best practices and principles for contextual effectiveness. So grateful for the many ways Kingswood University and the Buckingham Leadership Institute invest in raising leaders.
Full details for how your church can take advantage of this National Church initiative can be accessed online HERE. This will be an excellent addition to local discipleship efforts as one of the greatest predictors of spiritual growth is spending time in His Word.

We have a bus ready and raring to go! If you, or your students are planning on attending this awesome conference, we are now taking registrations for the bus. Registrations must be in by Nov 1st. Payment is not due until December 1st, but if your group wants guaranteed seating aboard the bus, please email martin@sj1 with your numbers on or before November 1st. If you have more than four students attending, you MUST also send a youth leader. We recommend you send a leader with your group regardless, but we require one if you have four or more students.
The cost per person on the bus is $175 CAD (approx. $135 USD). This covers your round-trip to Cincinnati, Ohio from TBD pick-up points in New Brunswick and Maine. This deposit is non-refundable, but it is transferable. You can register for the actual conference here . Keep in mind that this does not account for meals, you will be paying for food from December 27th-Jan 1st. We have a limited number of seats available on the bus, so it is first come, first served! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Martin Stehouwer (Co-District Youth President) at the email above. Registration resources can be downloaded HERE including access to tutorial videos

Click HERE to download this promo poster for your missions events