It’s Monday Again

The final DS Zone Dialog was held at Kingswood University on Tuesday with 30 pastors in attendance. The five October zone gatherings provided an in-depth overview of the four phases of the 2025 Horizon Storyline, our values-driven vision launched at District Conference. We believe God is calling us to Unleash Kingdom force for unprecedented spiritual invasion into and out of the Atlantic region! A communication will be sent by week’s end to all Atlantic ministers with summary information from this day including details for your registration for the District Ministerial at the the Saint John Delta on January 22-24, 2020.

Kingswood University hosted 400 students from across Atlantic Canada, Ontario and New England this weekend at Encounter 2019. Students enjoyed lots of fun on the new “Chaos Course”, experienced amazing worship and were challenged by guest speaker and KU alum, Trevor Hyde. God challenged and changed many lives and 33 students answered the call into ministry… a call for adventure!

Deep Water (AJ Thomas) celebrated 3 baptisms in yesterday’s services.
Connection (Ken Banks) celebrated 2 baptisms yesterday – a 29-year-old man who got saved at the church, and an 8-year-old girl. They also had 415 attend our Trunk or Treat with 25 volunteers – an increase of more than 200 attendees over last year.

Churches across the Atlantic region leveraged this season to engage in meaningful connections with their communities. The following list is only a sampling of the relational on-ramps that have sown seeds of ministry to young families. Norton (Mark Cooney) served 120 children at their event.
CenterPoint (Glen McVicar) had 112 kids and youth come through their church. Special invites were given to youth and 3 came to youth group this week!

The Reach (Andy Phillips) has lived up to its name over the past couple of weeks. On October 26th they were invited to the Jonesport Elementary School to be part of the Halloween Hallway. Noah’s Ark passed out chocolate bars to over 90 kids! Then on Halloween night, the Hilyard Building on Beals was opened as a Treat Retreat. Andy shared, “50 stopped by with some asking about the church for great Kingdom seed planting.”

Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) brought back “Trunk or Treat” after a two-year hiatus because of a request from the community and had 400+ come through the church doors.

- Character rarely implodes suddenly. Instead, it’s almost always a slow erosion.
- Grace runs out in your life when God runs out in your life.
- If you’re a selfish leader, it’s because there’s unresolved pain in your life. So get on your knees, see a counselor, get help. When you resolve the pain, you’ll lead well again.

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