Monday Again
Brad Eisan has been fanning the flames of community outreach in recent weeks through the Faith family (Ingomar). The church float entry in Saturday night’s Barrington Christmas Parade gave out 200 Bibles as they concluded a fall promotion to collect gently used winter coats for anyone in the community that might be in need. The full pickup truck was added to many more the church has already collected. In addition, this year the Faith Wesleyan congregation has passed out 30+ filled backpacks for the homeless. Thank you Brad for leading this renewed passion to the least of these!
The first three of five Tribal Huddles gathered this week at Houlton (pictured above), Crosspoint – Fredericton (middle picture), & Sussex (third picture). Thanks to all those who hosted these important connection points for our ministerial ranks. Energizing conversations around the values of our district churches are heating up our shared mission.
Each huddle featured a special presentation by David Tonen (pictured below) of Be Responsive Media. This digital marketing company specializes in working with nonprofits with particular passion in serving churches as we seek to be relevant and effective in connecting with our communities.
Thank you, David Tonen, for the Kingdom impact of your marketplace expertise and your clear mission to serve church leaders. It was inspiring to celebrate the continued influence of Kings Love Week as we listened after lunch on CBC Halifax to a 5-minute interview with Brent Ingersoll aired during the Sussex Huddle!
The final huddles gather at 10:00 a.m. this Wednesday (Rodd Grand Hotel – Yarmouth) and Thursday (Cornerstone – Hammonds Plains). See you there!
- Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) baptized a couple this weekend whose family was introduced to the church through the Easter Bunny Blast earlier this year. Both have come to faith in Christ and shared meaningful testimonies of how their lives have changed. It is encouraging to see how the Lord uses the onramps of community outreach to transform lives.
- Aaron Birtch (Metro) saw 12 people give their lives to Christ at the conclusion of yesterday morning’s service – Praise God!
- The World Hope Canada Christmas Catalog is now available online. To receive a printed copy by mail, please call Tori at 613.482.1499. The WHC team is back from their second trip to Cuba after delivering much needed medications, water filters donated by WHI, and repairing roofs after Hurricane Irma. Stay tuned for an announcement soon introducing the new Executive Director.
- Mark Brewer challenged Crosspoint this weekend to join the invitation given by the city of Fredericton through the Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness. Their goal was to raise the $35K required for one home – check out Mark’s update posted yesterday afternoon. (Spoiler alert: $44K and counting!)
- Ben Grosvenor gives this report on the Awakening Rally (Nov 17-18) which saw over 130 students and leaders gather at Hillside Wesleyan’s Parkway campus. “The Spirit of God was very much at work as we experienced powerful moments of worship led by our band, Beyond the Broadcast, and three passionate, and challenging messages from our guest speaker, Mike Rutledge from Risen City Church in Kitchener, Ontario. Another highlight of the event was opportunity for all rally participants to spend the Saturday afternoon in the community of Cole Harbour collecting food donations in support of Feed Nova Scotia.”
- Happy belated Thanksgiving to our Maine churches. The Celebrate Recovery group at Deep Water (AJ Thomas) recently featured an evening focused on gratitude and the results were posted in the picture below can be viewed in this moving video. Thanks to CR Director Shaun MacKenzie and for all those in our churches who make this ministry such an effective expression of the Gospel. Has your church considered sending a representative to the January CR Roundtable (see below) to see if God is leading you to provide this in your community?

Thot: If revival is going to break out, it has to break out somewhere. Why can’t it break out here? (Andrew Maves @ South Shore Leadership Network)Giving Thot: There are no great acts, only small acts done with great love. (Mother Teresa)
Has your church been considering launching a Celebrate Recovery ministry? Please consider joining us for a two day forum hosted by Deep Water Church and our CR Ministry. See first hand how a CR night works, and on day 2 hear some of the nuts and bolts required to get you started.
Two day schedule (PDF)
Are you in? Register your church today for just $30. For further info please contact Shaun or (902) 225-6849.
Breakthru Roundtable
Who: Ken Banks (Connection – Truro) will facilitate this day of dialog and shared learning
Where: Edgett Boardroom at District Office
When: Monday, January 15th, 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cost: Free (lunch included for those who preregister on or before January 10th
Zoom: If you can’t get to Moncton, we would still love to have you involved as a virtual participant through Zoom
Registration: Email Ken Banks ( to indicate if you will be in Moncton or join us online
What: A word from Ken Banks…
We will be discussing potential solutions to move your church from maintenance or survival mode. This is intended as a time for all of us to talk about struggles, barriers, opportunities, ideas and to pray – a ‘let’s figure this out together’ opportunity. I encourage you to make plans to join me as we lean into the Tribe to see God-honouring things happen in 2018!