Monday Again
A powerfully rich spirit of celebration and God’s presence was evident as AJ Plaizier (Assistant DS) joined me at the Kings(Brent Ingersoll) Board on Monday evening. Two hospital room baptisms earlier that day by Dan Lamos were added to the 67 baptisms on the last weekend of January in all six services of Kings Church (three at the Valley Campus plus Kings East, Kings West, & Kings Halifax). While the Valley Campus is averaging 1000-1200 on any given Sunday, Kings East has 150-190 and the two newest campuses launched in October are averaging 130-160. Through the end of January, Kings ministries have seen a total of 392 decisions for Christ (137 from the near 5000 in attendance at the annual Imperial Theatre Christmas Eve Week services), and 112 baptisms YTD (since May 1, 2017) – PTL! The baptisms included Lead Pastor Brent & Melanie Ingersoll’s daughter Ava and son Aden. So proud to stand with Brent and Kings leadership as these best days ever of growth and transformation can be only described as revival – thanks be to God for His glory!
- About 50 pastors were present for GS Wayne Schmidt’s presentation at Beulah Family Camp on the afternoon of Ordination Day last July. Dialog has continued in a variety of formats throughout the denomination as we seek to explore the best ways to unleash the Kingdom force of apostolic multiplication God uses to heat up and accelerate our shared mission to reach the lost. This week a number of lead pastors on the Atlantic District (representing nearly 60% of total worship attendance) participated in another step of this conversation and interacted with off-district presentations from Mike Hilson (New Life), Ed Love (CMAD Director of Church Multiplication), & Ben Last (Southgate). Special thanks to all those who sacrificed their time and packed schedules to invest in this journey.
- Last week’s IMA referenced a list of district superintendents concluding service this summer totaling 89 years of superintendence. Stan Hoover (Chesapeake District) should have also been included in the list of those honoured.
- The National Board of The Wesleyan Church of Canada (TWCC) was convened by National Superintendent HC Wilson via Zoom for another 90-minute meeting this week as work continues in the development of operational defined autonomy for our first National Conference in May 2019. This will involve interaction with the respective DBAs of both Central Canada & Atlantic with a presentation by the National Superintendent at both District Conferences this summer.

- Vince Robertson (Head of Millstream) is candidating this weekend at West Head (February 11th).
- Evan Oxner (Amherst) shares, “Yesterday was our first Sunday giving an invitation through our Connection Centre for first time guests, and those interested in following Jesus. We had one person commit her life to Christ!”
- Congratulations to Andrea Gunter on her start this week with Kingswood University as half-time Director of Kingswood Extended. This is an initiative that will allow KU to deliver ministerial education at any level—certificate, undergraduate, graduate—through any available means of delivery—off site, on-line, hybrid, correspondence, directive—to any person, church, or group of churches, anywhere. An exciting development in raising up workers for the harvest! Andrea will also continue in her half-time position as Executive Director of Camp Ministry.
- Celebrating reports yesterday from Journey (Matt Maxwell) with two baptisms and Moncton’s (Joel Gorveatte) Youth Pastor Drew Donovan baptized four students.

- I enjoyed a 90-minute consultation with our General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt this week. Please join me in regular prayer for him during these important days in The Wesleyan Church. This recent Facebook posting by our GS captures his heart as a leader and inspires us to deeper commitment, “So blessed by those who pray for me regularly… truly empowering and uplifting! For your specific prayers, my focus verses for 2018 are, ‘Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. But I, with song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the Lord.’ (Jonah 2:8-9). My focus phrase is ‘vows > idols.’ I think of the vows I’ve made throughout my life in baptism, church membership, marriage, Ordination, child dedication, when installed as General Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church… pray I fulfill them until I draw my last breath.”
- Andy Philips (Jonesport) & Nick Wilson (Beals Island) launched a joint Beals-Jonesport Wesleyan Awana program last night. The pastoral team reports, “We had a great time with good representation from both churches. There were 26 in total attendance – everyone had lots of pizza and lots of fun. We’re looking forward to what God is going to do through this program!”
Congratulations to Shane and Nathalie Grant (Moncton) on the arrival of their son Ezekiel Alexander! This handsome 10 lbs. 2 oz. boy was born February 1st at 8:32 p.m. His name means – the strength of God will be the defence of man.
Thot: Attitude is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present and the prophet of our future. (John Maxwell)
On Second Thot: God actually is who He says He is! (Anthony Moore)
Bonus Thot: I’m a simple minded human – I reach the lost by preaching and planting churches. When you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail – if they leave a bathroom empty long enough I’ll use it to plant a church! (Mike Hilson)