Under Sail
Pastoral Placement: Wood’s Harbour – Rod Guptill
Lower Hainesville and West Head are working with potential candidates at the time of this writing.
Beulah Camp 2009 is fast approaching! Already, many hours have gone into the physical and logistical preparation for this year’s encampment. Rev. Steve Wingfield and Dr. Jim Lo are the evangelists. Don & Janet Ingersoll are coordinating the music for our worship times. Special musical guests include the Wayne Goodine Trio and Carmella Lawrence. Programming for our Students and Children will be in place. “Evening on the Boulevard” has become an anticipated time for some great food and fellowship. It will happen again this year on Wednesday evening. Many other things that are part of this great ten days will be happening. Most importantly, we are anticipating the refreshing Presence of God’s Holy Spirit! He always shows up where Jesus is proclaimed! There will be people who come to Beulah in darkness, and walk away in the Light. There will be those who settle Lordship issues, and experience a freedom in God’s Spirit they have never before enjoyed! I hope to see you there!
Beulah Camp Workday: On Saturday, June 6, Bruce and Roxie Cheney hosted a Workday at Beulah Camp & Conference Centre. Folks started coming as early as 8:00 a.m. and stayed until the work projects were completed around 3:00 p.m. There were 54 volunteers participating and a great deal of work was accomplished. The volunteers were served a turkey and roast beef dinner at noon, with all the fixings. Thanks to everyone who helped, and special thanks to the four people who drove from Miramichi for the work day, and then returned home that evening. It was a very successful workday. Bruce and Roxie were very encouraged and appreciative. Our special thanks to them for organizing the event.
The McDowell Dorm roof has been completely re-shingled. One-third of the roof had been done last fall due to a tree falling on the dorm. The remainder of the roof has been completed this spring with donated labour. The entire roof is approx. 142 ft. long. Our thanks to the camp caretaker, Bruce Cheney, for overseeing this project and our thanks to the group of men and women who helped him on the project: Stuart Steeves, Wayne Briggs, Ed Bridgeo, Garry Campbell, Frank Foote, Fran Hazen, Ed Jefferson, Dwight Kent, Ron Kirkpatrick, Jim MacNeil, Austin and Mary Richardson, Lev Bradley, and Larry Walsh.
Many good things have been accomplished in relation to the Beulah Wastewater Project since we received written approval for the government funding. Here is a brief summary of progress since then:
The Atlantic District of The Wesleyan Church submitted its third application, August 18, 2008, for financial assistance under the Canada – New Brunswick Building Canada Fund – Communities Component. This was approved February 20, 2009, and we received written notice to this effect in a letter from the Hon. Roland Haché, NB Minister of Environment, dated March 27, 2009.
A progress committee, officially named the “Beulah – Brown’s Flat Infrastructure Committee,” has been appointed to track the progress of the project during its construction phase. The Province of New Brunswick (PNB) requires that regular progress meetings be conducted, and that a copy of the minutes be sent to Mr. André Chenard, Director, Green Infrastructure Programs. The progress committee tracks the budget, schedule, and technical issues of the project. They meet every two weeks.
Construction of a new outfall pipe was completed June 8-9. The pipe extends 100 meters out into the Saint John River, and was put in place by divers under the direction of Sussex Excavators and NATECH Environmental Services. The outfall location is in deep water where currents are pointing predominantly downriver. This should make a substantial difference in the water quality readings in the Beulah Beach area this summer. We have no control over the currents and what comes down the river, but Beulah has taken a major step in countermanding its negative contribution to the near shore environment. This is a major piece of the project. Environmental approvals were obtained for this phase.
Also last week, construction got underway for the creation of new wetlands ponds to compensate for damages that cannot be avoided during the construction of the lagoon.
Currently, NATECH is busy designing the various components of the new wastewater treatment facilities. Major design items include a new sewage lift station in place of the old trickling filter, a new force main, two smaller lift stations, a new aerated lagoon, a return line for treated effluent, and a UV disinfection facility.
Some immediate next steps will be completion of the tender package, and a call for tender by the end of this month. We are hoping to award the construction contract by the end of July, and start the major construction of the project the week of August 17th. The target for completion of the project is October 31st, barring the unforeseen, and the cooperation of the weather.
We are planning to hold a “town meeting” on Monday, July 6th, in the Beulah Tabernacle at 2:00 p.m. This meeting is open to any and all interested parties. It is for the purpose of updating our constituency, the community, and our neighbours on the project. There will be an opportunity for people to ask questions. Mr. Jochen Schroer, NATECH Environmental Services, will be present. He is giving major direction to the project and will provide helpful explanation. I hope you will be able to attend.
The Board of Directors of World Hope International has appointed Dr. Karl Eastlack as its new Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Eastlack has served as the Senior Pastor of Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church for the last 22 years. The church has grown from 19 to nearly 3,000 in that time. Dr. Eastlack will be the second CEO to serve WHI. The founder and first CEO, Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, was elected General Superintendent in The Wesleyan Church. She resigned from WHI in September, 2008. Mr. Steve Brown, a long-time Director and Partner in the mission of WHI, served as interim CEO until Dr. Eastlack’s appointment. (Excerpt from Pacific Southwest District Newsletter, May 2009)
The first seminary in the history of The Wesleyan Church will open in September on the Marion campus of Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU). The seminary format will be similar to IWU’s successful adult education programs, which allow students to further their education while maintaining family and professional responsibilities. IWU President Henry Smith said, “Our purpose was to make a seminary education more practical, more accessible, and more affordable.” The seminary will open this fall with an expected 200 students who are currently enrolled in master’s programs plus 75 Master of Divinity (M. Div.) students. The M. Div. is the foundational degree for a seminary. (Excerpt from Pacific Southwest District Newsletter, May 2009)
GP missionary, Selinda Ingalls, has been reassigned from Swaziland to Zambia. She will be at Beulah for some of the evenings and also Sundays. She can be reached at silindza@gmail.com or at (506) 662-5345.
Pastor Nick Graham, Havelock, NB Wesleyan Church shares their church has been partnering with Havelock Baptist Church this year for most of their outreach events. The Wesleyans hosted the Christmas Eve gathering and over 140 people attended. They also hosted the Good Friday gathering and had close to 50 people. Saturday, June 13th, they held a community BBQ. It was a great day! The churches rented a giant inflatable house for the kids to play in, had horse rides and plenty of food to serve the community. They were not disappointed! People came from all over, and many non- churched people stopped by. Both Pastor Bill of the Baptist Church and Pastor Nick were very pleased with the efforts, and have overheard on numerous occasions that their churches have never worked together like this before! It’s a good thing to partner with others to show the love of Jesus.
Note: The next edition of Under Sail will come your way in July, after Beulah Camp.
“I am of the opinion that the chief danger which confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” – William Booth, founder, Salvation Army