Good News Youth Pastors/Leaders: Zach Coffin, Next Gen Multiplication & Discipleship Director, is GIVING AWAY
Fuel 2021 for FREE to your local church! In the midst of this difficult season, people are longing for real connection. Are you looking for a flexible way to connect, care for, and train your Next Gen leaders? Join hundreds of Next Gen leaders over the weekend of February 19-20 for Fuel 2021.
Fuel 2021 will be a FREE downloadable event that you can use to equip and inspire your volunteers & leaders. No matter what restrictions are in place, this
“Fuel-in-a-Box” resource kit will give you everything you need to host a 3-hour leader gathering or go digital with solid encouraging content you and your leaders can access from anywhere.

Staying on top of your mental health has always been important, but it certainly seems to be even more pressing in our current season. With that in mind,
Yarmouth (AJ Plaizier) offered an online seminar this week featuring Dr. Allen Lee (Program Director of the Christian Counselling program at
Kingswood University and Atlantic District Clergy Care Coordinator).
CLICK HERE to view this presentation hosted by Mark Brewer with practical strategies to help us stay mentally healthy during these challenging days.
Nealy all of our 20+ District Pastor Clusters have held their January meeting (several from this week are pictured above). Here are some of the ways this is serving our Atlantic Ministers…
- We had a solid discussion on measurements for the discipleship pathway. Although the size and context of our churches vary, our ultimate mission is the same.
- Our churches are all different sizes and we all have different roles, but many of the issues we are dealing with are the same.
- This past cluster meeting reminded me that being intentional and focused is what our church and what our community needs right now. It’s easy to be busy or overwhelmed with all the things that can be done. It’s good to take a minute and remind ourselves of the purpose of our church in our community and figure out the few things we are going to and do them well.
- It was great to meet and pray with my Pastor Cluster this week and I left encouraged.

General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt shares about the Rethink Small Conference in this short video. The Atlantic District has obtained a license to provide every church with the digital elements of the upcoming Rethink Small Conference. This gives you and your church access to over 20 HD teaching videos from leaders across our denomination and beyond. It also gives you access to PDF files of the conference notebook and planning guide. Nearly 10 churches have already received copies of this excellent resource. If you are interested in these tools to use in your church, please CLICK HERE to request the download link.

It was encouraging to join with all 23 North American District Superintendents on Thursday along with the General Church Officers of Dr. Wayne Schmidt’s Executive Cabinet. The four-hour schedule of the usually in-person DS Institute included an in-depth overview of the Kingdom Force Institute and a presentation regarding the growing importance of networks for our local churches in achieving missional impact. DS Wes Smith of the Northwest District shared helpful insights and models followed by an engaging Q&A.

Alpha Canada (Shaila Visser) is featuring one of our own on Wednesday, as Pastor B adds influence to this stellar panel of leaders who are celebrated role models for
what it takes with God’s help to stay the course in Kingdom leadership when circumstances tempt us with discouragement.
CLICK HERE to register and you will not only have your spirit lifted but you will be inspired by the contagious passion of these leaders! Many of you are already familiar with the ministry of Charles Price, but to experience the wisdom of
Darrell Johnson just CLICK HERE.

Congratulations on the happy and healthy arrival to Aaron & Megan Hopkins (
Corbett) on Tuesday, January 19th of their baby girl, Ellen Jane, weighing in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and measuring just shy of 21 inches. All are happy and healthy and settling in very well back at home!
Points to Ponder
- If we find ourselves irked by external hindrances, be sure we are victims of our own self-will. Nothing can hinder the heart that is fully surrendered and quietly trusting, because nothing can hinder God. (A. W. Tozer)
- See something in them and say something to them. Use your influence to identify God’s calling in others. (Steve Lennox)
- Bring all your failures, bring your addictions. Come lay them down at the foot of the cross. (Bergthold & Cash) #surrendertosanctify #Godsoloved
Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District family to Sheila McCrea-MacCallum and Jean (Perry) Ingersoll on Tuesday’s passing of their youngest brother, Paul Graham. His full obituary with opportunity to share words of condolence is
posted here by Flewelling Funeral Home. A family graveside service will be held at a TBD time in the Maple Ridge Cemetery.

Beulah Camp and Conference Center is now accepting applications for casual and part time housekeeping staff. If interested, please contact us at
A Citizen Service Specialist from Service Canada is offering an information session via WebEx (see below). This will be an overview of all services and benefits offered by Service Canada which can be accessed through the ministries of your church in serving the community. This session will be divided into two parts, the first being the Presentation from Service Canada which will last about 30 minutes followed by Q&A.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 @ 10:30 a.m.
Cut and paste this link to your browser to join the webinar (Meeting Password: 95387975)
“I recently invested an hour in learning about the many programs available to those in need in our communities, and found this extremely informative. It is a great tool to use to help those who often don’t know where to turn for help. It is an hour well spent, I promise!” Scott Wood (Journey)
The Canadian Centre of Christian Charities (CCCC) reports there are no significant changes regarding the Federal Canada Summer Jobs attestation statements for 2021.
Here is the full post for your reference – application deadline is January 29th.

Kingswood University is excited to announce a full range of
online options to prepare for ministry for the 21st century. Now you can study fully online for the ministry, whether on the certificate, undergraduate, or graduate level! #Prepareforwhatmattersmost

Do you still believe in the power of prayer? If so, Rev. Mark Parker, our National Director for Church Multiplication is building a TWCC NATIONAL PRAYER FORCE and he would like you to join him in asking the Lord of the harvest to raise up a new generation of church planting leaders for Canada and the state of Maine. Doing God’s work has to be done in God’s way. This means that we need the power and the force of the Holy Spirit to go before us. We have not because we ask not. Let’s first begin on our knees! Will you join the National Prayer Force? If so, text the word “force” to 226-400-4418 and let’s advance first on our knees! When you sign up, Rev. Parker will begin to share regular prayer requests from across the nation as we move forward together in planting new churches. Make sure you include your email address and your mobile number. Thank you for being a part of this force for God and for good!