
It's Monday Again

Special Announcement:
On behalf of our General Superintendent Dr. Earle Wilson and our DBA, I am pleased to announce that Rev. David W. LeRoy will be our sole nominee for the position of Atlantic District Superintendent.  The DBA held three in-person meetings and two telephone conference calls.  In the process, we discussed several possible candidates, interviewed four candidates in person, and unanimously offered the nomination to Rev. LeRoy, which he has accepted.
Since leaving our District 14 years ago, Rev. LeRoy served four years as Superintendent of the Dakota District and, for the last 10 years, as Senior Pastor of the Victory Highway Wesleyan Church in Painted Post, NY.  Victory Highway has seen outstanding growth during his term of leadership with their weekly attendance increasing from approximately 500 to its present level of more than 1400.  During this same period of time, their annual income has grown to $1.85 million and their missions giving has moved them to the fourth highest church in our denomination with giving last year of more than $125,000.
The vast majority of you know Rev. LeRoy from past association here on our District.  He was born and reared in the Central Canada District and pastored here on Atlantic at Fredericton-Olivet, Dartmouth-Hillside, and Fredericton-First.  He and his wife Joanne (Ingersoll) have three grown sons – Jonathan, Andrew, and James.  They are also the proud grandparents of Ruby and Owen.
Rev. LeRoy resigned his position at Victory Highway yesterday, April 22nd, and will stand for election at our District Conference on Thursday, July 12th.  We are very pleased that the process has led us to this place and we look forward to his leadership on the Atlantic District. 
Dates to remember:
April 27-28 – BBC Graduation
May 4-5 – Men’s Convention at King’s Valley
May 18-20 – May Rally at Mt. Allison University
July 6-15 – Beulah Camp ‘07
Mount Pearl – Solid Rock (Graham Perry) received seven new members last Sunday – one community member and six covenant members.  PTL for the continued growth at Mount Pearl.
Linda Fillmore has accepted the pastorate of the Knoxford Praying Band where she will be on loan from our District. 
Amherst (Raymond Fancy) has voted by a near-unanimous vote to offer the present property for sale and make an offer on a Roman Catholic Church that is being sold due to consolidation of two parishes.  This move will be a real stretch of faith for the congregation but if successfully completed offers significantly increased potential for the future.
Tammy and Michael Hutton (Sydney-Harbour) welcomed their fourth child, Heidi Marie, who was born this morning at 6:15 AM, weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 oz.  Congratulations to Michael, Tammy and the family.
Scarborough – Coastal (Dwayne Hopkins) had an outstanding Easter weekend with 365 in attendance to the three presentations of their Easter musical.  They also had 243 in attendance on Easter Sunday at their two morning services.  LYA – 105.  PTL!
At 3 minutes and 4 seconds after 2:00 AM on the 6th of May this year, the time and date will be 02:03:04:05/06/07.  This will never happen again in our lifetime.   (This was submitted to me by several techno freaks.)
This past week included a DBA meeting here in Moncton, a meeting of the Wesleyan Women Executive Committee at Beulah, and a visit yesterday morning at the church in Millville.  Pastor Mark Cooney did a very effective job leading worship and I was pleased to share the noon meal and extended conversation with Pastor Mark and Karen. 
Another Very Special Announcement!  Gloria and I became grandparents again last week with the safe arrival of Jack Spurgeon Wilson, born to Troy and Lisa on Thursday afternoon at 3:33 PM and weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. – a brother for Maddie.   The attending physician was Dr. Ken Gillespie who was a young boy that attended Dartmouth-Hillside when we pastored there 30 years ago.  We thank the Lord for Jack’s safe arrival. 
THOT:  If you cut the head off a cricket, it keeps on chirping.  Some people are like that.  Their brains are disengaged, but they keep on talking. – Leonard Sweet

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1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

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229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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