It's Monday Again
I realize it’s actually Thursday – not Monday. As you are all aware, I am juggling two jobs at the moment and alternating my time more or less equally between the district office in Moncton and the Global Partners office in Indianapolis with a World Hope trip to the Ukraine thrown in for good measure. Thanks for your patience and understanding during this transitional time.
Marc and Di LaPointe will be candidating for the Lead Pastor position at The Wesleyan Church in Bonita, California. They will be visiting there the second week in June in response to the LBA’s unanimous invitation to be their pastoral candidate.
Our hats are off to the Brown’s Flat Fellowship that held a very successful yard sale at Beulah last Saturday. They generated approximately $2,700 which is in support of the wastewater system upgrade at the camp. Thanks to Pastor Wayne and the crew.
Paul Tweedy has accepted the position of Assistant Pastor of Youth Ministry at the church in Wood’s Harbour. He and Renata will be moving there during the summer.
We extend sincere sympathy to Rosalie Brown and her immediate and extended family on the sudden passing of her oldest brother, John. He passed away within 48 hours of being diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. I know that Rosalie and the family will appreciate an interest in our prayers.
Tom Ward has accepted the Senior Pastor position at The Wesleyan Church in Prattville, Alabama. This is the church where President David Medders’ father pastored for more than 40 years. It is just a few miles outside the State capital of Montgomery.
There is still limited space available on the chartered bus for the Women of Faith convention. Contact Karen Cooney at for further information or to register for the convention.
Pastors – don’t forget it’s report time. Given the extra pressure associated with leadership transition this year, we really need your help in being punctual with your statistical and other reports. Remember – being in the ministry is a real job – honor the deadlines.
Our District Children’s Ministry Director, Linda Lamos, is recommending you visit a blog for very helpful information on children’s ministries. You can check it out at
Largest offering in Beulah history – Sunday, July 15th. We sent letters out this week. If you haven’t received yours, be watching for it in the mail.
THOT: Your actions, whether large or small, communicate your expectations. – Thomas J. Neff
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