It’s Monday Again
What a weekend! Services were cancelled in most Atlantic Wesleyan churches in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and a few in southern New Brunswick thanks to Hurricane Dorian. More than 70% Nova Scotian customers lost power and many will be waiting for a few days before all the damage can be repaired.

Every crises presents an opportunity and Samaritan’s Purse is ready to work with churches in affected communities to serve disaster relief needs. They have already deployed a team to Nova Scotia and Lead Pastors may want to consider if your community would benefit from partnership to serve as a Lighthouse Church. Journey (Matt Maxwell) has seized this opportunity in recent years with flooding in Fredericton and would be a helpful resource to you if you have questions about how this works. Click HERE for a detailed overview of how this ministry helps to mobilize the Church for tangible expressions of love to those affected when disaster strikes.

River Valley celebrated the Pastoral Installation of new Lead Pastor Shawna Rogers yesterday. Shawna and her husband Mike are a passionate and effective ministry team. She is the fifth lady Lead Pastor on the Atlantic District and we are grateful for these days of practical expression in the value of Ordained women as first chair leaders. The service was an inspiring reflection of powerful worship and authentic community – great days ahead!

Labour Day Sunday, at the request of the village, Blacks Harbour (Dr. HC) moved their service to the bandstand in the park. Assistant Pastor Mark McCluskey preached to a crowd of 110.

Our core value of Kingdom multiplication continues to benefit from the experience and insights of Ken Nash as a Zoom cohort convened this week for another session of practical wisdom in launching and leading effective satellite campus ministry. Stay tuned to see the next cohort of five Lead Pastors which will begin a third cohort with Ken soon. Your prayers are appreciated for the imminent launch of two new satellites – Coastal Church in Barrington, NS (satellite of Yarmouth in partnership with Woods Harbour) and Deep Water Dartmouth.

ATTENTION YOUTH PASTORS/LEADERS: Co-District Youth Presidents, Drew Donovan (Kingswood University) & Martin Stehouwer (SJ1), are hosting a Youth Leaders Basecamp as noted above. This free training and networking event is open to all local church youth workers (pastoral and lay). For detailed information download this promotional PDF.

– Fredericton: Corbett Avenue, Crosspoint, Journey
– Halifax: Cornerstone, Deep Water, Hillside, Kings
– Moncton: Moncton
– Presque Isle: Framework
– Sackville: Amherst
– Saint John: Kings, Saint John First
– St. John’s: Solid Rock
– Sussex: Encounter
– Wolfville: New Hope
Points to Ponder:
- The monk is safe in the marketplace because he is at home in the desert. (Basil Cardinal Hume) #solitude #spiritualfoundations
- How you delegate changes everything about your system. Knowing how to delegate authority is key to multiplication. The top reason systems break down is that we misdiagnose delegation. Either you delegate task or you delegate authority. Giving away a task gains followers. Giving away authority gains leaders. (Ken Nash)
- Courageous leaders face unpleasant and even devastating situations with equanimity, then act firmly to bring good from trouble, even if their action is unpopular. Leadership always faces natural human inertia and opposition. But courage follows through with a task until it is done. (J. Oswald Sanders)
Sign up or email Joel Liechty for a Zoom overview of an LBA training resource on Wednesday, September 25th at 2:30 pm (Atlantic). Linchpin Leadership is an enhanced online, interactive learning journey for pastors and local church board leaders. This experience will guide the local church board through training designed to help the board flourish in its role of spiritual leadership.

World Hope International (Canada) is offering a short-term mission trip opportunity to minister in Ukraine. This Vision Trip for Pastors and Lay Leaders will take place in Odessa during November 22-29 this fall. Full details are available HERE. Team leader Ben Last (Southgate) offers some excellent advice HERE for those considering participation on this mission.ATTN Maine Churches: For detailed information on how to to best provide financial support for World Hope’s work in Ukraine please download this PDF.

Registration resources can be downloaded HERE including access to tutorial videos
Click HERE to download this promo poster for your missions events.