It’s Monday Again

Andrew Maves & Curtlen Peck (Digby) have been taking primary worship on the road. Later in the fall, a weekly Tuesday night church service has been offered in neighbouring Cornwallis at the Clark Rutherford School. A recent first time attender was deeply transformed in a service and was someone that Maves has been trying to get to attend at Digby for more than 10 years. It was energizing to spend time in prayer with these men of God for His continued blessing and provision. There is a palpable fragrance of God’s favour in this new Kingdom expression. Speaking of Divine favour…

Live Well (Tim Long) received two grants in recent months totalling $40K which have accelerated the community impact of David & Melissa Tysick’s arrival to the pastoral team after their October wedding.
Several preview services have been offered since summer across the ferry on Long Island at the Tiverton Community Hall (pictured below). A bi-weekly Alpha is beginning in March with plans for regular worship and the launch of a satellite campus this fall. #kingdommultiplication

The national office of The Wesleyan Church of Canada is pleased to provide access to some helpful documents for the pastors in our Canadian churches. Included in those documents are:
- Overview of the Retirement Plan Life insurance and Long-term disability benefits
- Information for the Wesleyan Retirement Plan
- New form for allocating contributions to a Tax Free Savings Account
- Prayer Poster for our Canadian Missionaries (current as of Dec. 31, 2019). Full size posters are available from:
- Poster promoting the need/opportunities for Church Planting in Canada. Full size poster are available from:
- Direct Deposit form for the financial support of our Canadian Global Partners missionaries (accelerates donor process by at least 50%)
- 2020 options/contact info for the National Cell Phone Plan (Bell Aliant)
Additional forms, such as ‘Sexual Harassment Avoidance’ policy are available at: (click: Menu : Ministries : Resources)

Faith (Brad Eisan) recently held a church Valentine’s Dinner as a connection opportunity with the community – a great idea!
Contextual effectiveness has many expressions. A few days ago, Vince Robertson (West Head) encountered a young couple on Cape Sable with a dire need for fire wood. As he raised awareness of this need and mobilized the Church it was beautiful to see several churches band together to not only provide what was needed but with several cord of wood remaining to serve other families in the weeks ahead. Our God is a God of basket-full leftover abundance!

Ken Nash shared key leadership insights this week in the dynamics for successful satellite expansion with our 3rd cohort of Atlantic leaders as they are well past the half-way mark in this nine-session training.
- Ken (April) Banks resigned yesterday at Connection and will conclude 14 years of ministry this summer.
- Blacks Harbour (Dr. HC) announced yesterday that Ken Banks will be candidating on February 23rd.
- Rich (Katie) Thomas (The River) candidated this weekend at both Easton & Community (Fort Fairfield). The congregations will vote this coming weekend resulting in the possibility of a two-church charge with a TBD start date.
- Shawn (Michelle) Craven received a unanimous renewal of his extended call last week from the Havelock LBA.
- Joanne (Mike) Ozon received a unanimous recommendation from the Hope LAC (Local Advisory Council) for her continued appointment. Thank you all for continued prayer as she continues to receive treatment.
- Vince (Karen) Robertson received a unanimous recommendation from the West Head LBA for a four-year call with a congregrational vote on February 23rd.
Wondering about Canada Summer Jobs Application this year? This excellent article by the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) concludes by recommending all churches participate this year.
- 73% of Jesus’ time was spent with the 12.
(Bill Couchenour) #leadlikeJesus - Until the Church majors in equipping and sending ordinary Believers as everyday missionaries, we’re unlikely to see sustainable multiplication movements. (Larry Walkemeyer)
- Visionaries, the truly infinite minded, need the finite minded or nothing’s going to work.Vision without execution is hallucination. (Simon Sinek)
The Wesleyan Church is deeply indebted to the legacy of Dr. John A. Dunn. Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District to the family during this time of loss. We pray for a special sense of the Comforter at work in hearts today as you gather in Greenfield, Indiana this afternoon to celebrate the life of this faithful servant.

It is with great excitement we invite you to Uprising Conference on February 21-22, 2020 at Crosspoint Church in Fredericton, NB. Conference registration is $50, and a catered lunch option on Saturday is available for an additional $15. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Rachel Wilson is not able to attend our conference. However, we are pleased to announce that Brittany Trafton and Carolina Parker will now be co-speakers at Uprising. We are looking forward to hearing them share insights around our theme this year: RECONCILE. Crosspoint Worship will be returning once again to lead us during each session. ONLINE Registration is now open!
Join hundreds of men from all across the region at Valley location of Kings on May 1-2 as we seek to find, define, and empower the Y God has placed in each of us. In doing so, may we know life to the full and may those around us reap the benefits of knowing men who truly embrace our Y. Register HERE – Cost: $85.
Want to know more about the Atlantic District’s 2025 Horizon Storyline – Values-Driven Vision? Click here to see a one-page overview of this journey and click here for the 45-minute video 2025 presentation shared with our pastors.