Monday Again
Good Monday afternoon!
Gloria and I are leaving later today headed for New Zealand where I will be speaking at a pastors’ conference, in a local church, and at the National Conference of The Wesleyan Church of New Zealand. We will also have a few personal days to relax and enjoy the beauty of that part of the world. Plans call for us to return home on November 6th. IMA will be in hibernation for a couple of weeks. Karrilee will be in the office in Moncton from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday. I anticipate having email capability most of the time.
I discovered over the weekend that a number of email messages that had been sent to me did not arrive here – in fact, there may have been as many as 50 emails that wandered into the black hole of cyberspace never to return. If you sent me an email within the last two to three weeks and I have not replied, please resend. I answer all my emails. I believe that the problem with the lost emails was corrected yesterday.
It is with a sense of loss we learned of the homegoing of Dr. V.A. Mitchell, General Superintendent Emeritus. When I first became DS in the Delta District 25 years ago, Dr. Mitchell was my Area General Superintendent. He proved to be an incredible mentor in those early days and I am deeply indebted to him for so much help and assistance.
Pastors – You are encouraged to show the Harbour Wesleyan Church CD-ROM on Sunday, October 29th (Sydney Sunday). All of you received the CD in your promotional materials distributed by the Huttons. There is also an opportunity to receive their Enewsletter. If interested, contact them at The Harbour Wesleyan team is excited about ministry in Cape Breton and could use your help in the coming year. As you plan for mission trips, the Harbour Wesleyan team would love to host teams with a focus on youth/children’s outreach, servant ministry to the poor and homeless, serving other Christian works in the area, or light construction/home repairs on their home/ministry center. If you have interest, contact them at the email address above or at 902-539-3015.
Special pastors’ seminar at the Moncton church – Thursday, November 2 – 1:00-4:30 PM. Leading A Changing Church In A Changing Culture with Rev. Phil Stevenson. This special seminar is being provided by the District at no cost to the pastors attending. No pre-registration is required – simply arrive at the church by the 1:00 PM beginning time. I’m confident many of you plan to be in attendance on November 2.
Woods Harbour (Steve Bean) had 155 in church (LYA 126) and baptized three new believers. PTL!
The Battle of the Bands held recently at the Moncton church has generated no small amount of response. Their executive pastor, Kevin Matthews, prepared and presented an excellent statement on this matter that was read in both services yesterday morning. You will find the full text of this announcement on the homepage of their website at I encourage you to check this statement which will assist you in drawing informed conclusions.
Outstanding growth continues at Hammonds Plains Cornerstone (Denn Guptill). They had 205 in worship yesterday and are averaging 185 to date for the month of October. LYA – 84. LYA two years ago – 43. Congrats to the leadership and PTL.
Yesterday, I was at the Head of Millstream to participate in their 100th anniversary. A special anniversary service was held yesterday afternoon and there were more than 150 people present in a building that will seat 88. It was an exciting day and Pastor Peter Hayes and his crew are to be commended for the excellent preparation for the day and for a job well done.
The Bethany Board met in Sussex last week. President Medders’ present term had expired and he was offered and has accepted a new 4-year term. We look to the future with growing optimism for a continued and ever-increasing impact for the College under President Medders’ passionate and energetic leadership.
The World Hope Board met this week as well. As many of you would know, Anne Medders has resigned as Executive Director of World Hope to accept a position at Bethany. The World Hope Board is in the early stages of the search process for a new Executive Director and your prayers in this matter for the Master’s guidance would be most welcome.
I had the privilege last Monday of meeting with nine pastors in Houlton who are involved in the Refocusing program, primarily in Maine and New Brunswick. I was privileged to share with them for about a half a day and I continue to be highly impressed with the caliber of our developing leaders.
Bristol (Mark Thompson) has set three new high attendances in their youth group for the last three weeks in succession. Under the leadership of youth pastor A.J. Plaizier, they have had attendances of 42, 46, and 47 this month.
THOT: Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you’re made of. – James S. Hewett
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