Atlantic Connexion

Inspiring worship. Exceptional preaching. Energetic fun. Delicious food. Manly fellowship. Transforming prayers. Another fantastic XY Conference from Kings(Brent Ingersoll) was hosted at Moncton Wesleyan (Jim Clements) with a record just shy of 850 in attendance.

  • God moved in a powerful way through the Kingdom synergy of churches truly partnering together. Brent shared, “The dynamic between Kings and Moncton Wesleyan was just beautiful and powerful to watch in action and led largely to creating the atmosphere in which God moved so powerfully.”
Solid Rock Sends Crew of Seven!

Seven men traveled from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland (Solid Rock Wesleyan – Peter Hayes) to take part in XY – AMAZING! Peter shared, “Attending XY was definitely worth the trip! Each of us was affected in a unique way by the Spirit and we all came home anticipating what more God might have in store for us.”

Check out this QR Code to enjoy
the inspiring worship of nearly 850 men!

Woods Harbour Wesleyan Worship

It was a joy to be with the leaders and congregation of Woods Harbour Wesleyan(Tim Conrad) this Sunday.

  • New Hope (Scott Prime) celebrated three baptisms in Kentville this Sunday with three more scheduled in Kingston next Sunday!

Pastoral Transitions/Votes

Illuminate Nova Scotia was offered this weekend Hope Wesleyan (Joanne Ozon) and is designed to reach the special needs community. The God of the Universe loves them so much – they are fearfully and wonderfully made. The special needs community are the most unreached people in our communities. We want to change that and make them part of a ministry that radically transforms lives.

  • Joanne shared, “We had over 250 people attending Illuminate NS. This event has tripled in size in 3 years and for the 1st time we reached our full capacity.”
DBMD Interviews – Wednesday April 10th

Dale MacDonald (Woodstock Wesleyan) provides tireless and exceptional leadership over the complexities required to serve several dozen Kingdom leaders in process of pursuing various denominational credentials each year.

  • The District Board of Ministerial Development completed 20+ interviews this week with the Atlantic leaders above. We are blessed by the discernment and encouragement of this team.
French-Speaking Missions Are Bearing Fruit

Carl & Maya Gilles (Global Partners Missionaries) provides oversight and coordination of Francophone ministries in the International Wesleyan Church. The report above resulted from his delivery of the Jesus Film equipment in a winter trip to missionary partners in Chad.

  • We are so proud of our Atlantic District missionaries and Praise God for their faithful and fruitful ministry around the world!

Kingswood University convened the Spring Session of the Board of Trustees this Friday. Encouraging reports included an update on Kingswood Learn engagement from Campus CEO Darren Campbell & Executive Vice President Andrea Gunter. The first 100 days of engagement have exceeded expectations and provide an encouraging trajectory for the summer of District Conferences ahead!

  • President Lennox reported that between all training programs—Kingswood Learn, Kingswood Extended Certificate, Kingswood Extended online, and the Sussex campus, more than 1100 people are preparing to serve the Lord more effectively at Kingswood University!
The additional sessions of the BOT Executive via occasional Zoom sessions has provided the honour of serving the leadership of President Lennox and his team.
CLICK HERE to sign up for this free micro course!

CLICK HERE for a recent update on the 600 Kingdom leaders engaged in Kingswood Learn.

World Hope Spring Fundraiser – Ignite Hope

Tara Lawrence (Woodstock Wesleyan) and Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch were in the 120 participants at College Wesleyan (Steve DeNeff) this weekend for the inaugural Marketplace Multipliers Conference.

  • Tami shared, “We witnessed the fully invested partnership of laity and clergy through panel discussions, and real-time testimony of how the Lord is shifting the axis of ministry from the church building to wherever we have influence. We are in an Antioch moment of history in which we are one Church with two arms.”

As part of the Meductic Mandate, Pioneer Leader Training is well underway in the 13 weeks of this cohort. Atlantic District lay leaders Ronald & Suzanne Morneault (Framework), and Tara Lawrence (Woodstock Wesleyan), along with other Wesleyan leaders in North America, are fully committed to developing their networks and neighborhoods for the purpose of sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Co-trainers Jeremy Summers and Tami Mutch-Ketch share excitement about the engagement and call of these individuals to minister to the community and the marketplace. We look forward to future updates of the strategies they are developing for their communities in Maine, New Brunswick, and beyond.

  • If you want to learn more about how Pioneer Leader Training can cultivate high-capacity lay leaders in marketplace disciple-making, please contact Tami Mutch-Ketch at
  • Our product is not the worship gathering. Our product is making disciples. We talk about numbers. God knows them by their names. (Richard Cox)
  • Don’t mistake God’s kindness for weakness. (Mike Miller)
  • Perseverance begins the moment you want to quit. Letting go but not giving up. That’s where Christians live. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Sometimes it feels like perseverance. (Jason Ballard)
Tyndale Seminary Annual Symposium – April 24th

Since 2009, Tyndale Seminary has gathered local scholars, students, and church leaders for an annual Wesley Studies Symposium. The symposium exists to highlight and foster scholarly work on the Wesleyan tradition, as well as research on related topics undertaken by Wesleyans, with a particular focus on Canadian contributions.

Second Annual Woman’s Retreat @ Beulah Camp

Register now for the women’s weekend “Come Away My Beloved – Made in His Image” April 26 – 27, 2024 at Beulah Camp and Conference Center. This opportunity is for women of all ages to engage in spiritual retreat from the routine of life, and experience Christ in an atmosphere of stillness, reflection, and rest.

If you are hungering for more of Jesus, come and hear from these amazing women of God about a deeper understanding of who you are in Christ, and how the Holy Spirit speaks and works,

Space is limited. Plan now to attend!

CLICK HERE for More Info & Registration.
Registration opens March 1st
(Early bird pricing – $80 per person through March 31st)

CLICK HERE to check out Follow the Call
A new Wesleyan resource to disciple believers in processing a call to ministry.

Caton’s Island Camp Registration 

CLICK HERE to register your children soon for the camp dates of your preference this summer – they fill up quickly!

  • Need a reminder of why a Christian Summer Camp experience is so important for our kids? CLICK HERE to be reignited with this truth.
Beulah Family Camp – July 6-14, 2024
CLICK HERE for the April edition of the Beulah Newsletter


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.