It’s Monday Again

- Session #1 – Building a Disciple-Making Church Culture
- Session #2 – Four Spaces for Discipleship
- Session #3 – The Missing Space for Mobilization
- Session #4 – Five Shifts and the Pathway Structure
- Session #5 – The Discipleship Pathway
- Session #6 – Implementing Change and Next Steps

- AJ (Julia) Plaizier received a unanimous renewal of his extended call on Monday from the Yarmouth LBA.
- Steve Sinclair (The River) announced his resignation/retirement yesterday. He and Nancy moved to Bangor 25 years ago to plant River City Wesleyan which recently merged with Pathway Wesleyan to form The River. The Sinclairs have served on the Atlantic District for their entire local church ministry and are making plans to begin retirement this summer at the normal time of pastoral transition. Thank you Steve & Nancy for your godly example and Kingdom impact!

- Making a multiplying disciple is the main thing. What if we saw our congregations less as a flock of sheep and more as an army of disciple-makers to train and deploy? (Jon Wiest)
- We are called to tend to souls, but we often don’t include our own. (AJ Plaizier)
- Consider it a gift when you keenly feel the tension between doing and being. It is a positive sign of your awareness of God’s call, a sign of your maturity in Christ, and one of the places where every Christian minister may experience significant growth and renewal. (Reuben Job)

Click HERE to enjoy an excellent word of perspective and anticipation from our General Superintendent. Additional links are available in this article to subscribe for up-to-date information on General Conference 2020 – Unleashed which will convene in St. Louis on May 31-June 3.
Join hundreds of men from all across the region at Valley location of Kings on May 1-2 as we seek to find, define, and empower the Y God has placed in each of us. In doing so, may we know life to the full and may those around us reap the benefits of knowing men who truly embrace our Y. Register HERE – Cost: $85.
The national office of The Wesleyan Church of Canada is pleased to provide access to some helpful documents for the pastors in our Canadian churches. Included in those documents are:
- Overview of the Retirement Plan Life insurance and Long-term disability benefits
- Information for the Wesleyan Retirement Plan
- New form for allocating contributions to a Tax Free Savings Account
- Prayer Poster for our Canadian Missionaries (current as of Dec. 31, 2019). Full size posters are available from:
- Poster promoting the need/opportunities for Church Planting in Canada. Full size poster are available from:
- Direct Deposit form for the financial support of our Canadian Global Partners missionaries (accelerates donor process by at least 50%)
- 2020 options/contact info for the National Cell Phone Plan (Bell Aliant)