It’s Monday Again

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! There are so many reasons for celebrating with a spirit of gratitude during this season of challenge and opportunity. Why not take a moment right now to thank our Father for a tangible blessing worthy of His praise? (Check out the November 4th event for pastors in Upcoming Events below.)
Kings (Brent Ingersoll) Love Week 2020 was incredibly special with over 70 Home Churches launched during the pandemic representing over 1500 people gathered in homes weekly who have partnered together to live out the Code of Kings through Radical Generosity. A large offering was taken during the weekend services and given away in our region over this past week.
2020 Offering: $203,947.85
7-Year Total: $1,025,482.83
2020 Service Hours: 1,910
Executive Pastor Andy Broad shared, “But the richest blessing truly was seeing our Home Churches activated and on mission, even in the midst of a pandemic. In this seventh year of Love Week, we officially crossed the one million dollar threshold of money given away here in the Atlantic region. On Earth as in Heaven!”CLICK HERE for the inspirational video summary of how God’s love was incredibly poured out this week for His glory! Simply amazing and unprecedented for the Church in our region.

Make sure the teens in your church are impacted by this year’s virtual Encounter on November 6th from Kingswood University! CLICK HERE to learn how to host a watch partyfor your youth group for this virtual event.
The second location and first satellite of Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) will publicly launch in Sackville/Beaverbank this Sunday, October 18th @ 10:30 a.m., with Windgate Site Pastor Rob McDowell.
An extensive renovation of this Windgate location has just been completed throughout the entire building in preparation for this new transforming Kingdom presence in Halifax Regional Municipality. Would you join in focused prayer Site Pastor Rob (Julie) McDowell and this exciting birth of church multiplication?
Looking for ideas to deepen online community and discipleship? Wondering how to reach out online in unlikely, rural and small town communities? Want practical ways to increase Scripture reading and deepen engagement in your church family? CLICK HERE to explore great insights for how we can be contextually effective through online engagement and how to continue preparing for the ways this will be a priority post-pandemic.
Points to Ponder
  • Church online is not about content. It is about connecting people to people. Content is the catalyst for that connection. (Bobby Gruenewald)
  • It’s not enough to build an audience unless we are discipling people. We need to move from making statements to asking questions. Move from social media to social ministry. It doesn’t matter how many followers we have if they are not following Jesus through us. (Nona Jones)
  • Guard against letting someone else’s toxicity tempt you to respond in a similarly toxic fashion. We can’t control what toxic people do and say, but we can control what we do and say. (Gary Thomas)

Pastoral Considerations for Personal Pandemic Impact
When: November 4th (Wednesday)
Where: Halifax (Deep Water) & Fredericton (Journey)
Site Counsellors: Dr. Allen Lee (Halifax) & Dr. Ken Neilson (Fredericton)
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Atlantic Time (lunch included)
Cost: Your travel expenses & time – All onsite costs are provided by the Atlantic District
Registration: Email Karrilee ( on or before October 21st
Description: This is a day for Local Church Staff to receive pastoral care from seasoned practitioners. You may be in a good place or in a challenging season, but this check-in and check-up will fill your tanks with people who get the real and raw of ministry. It will include group teaching sessions, group dialogue and exercises, as well as the opportunity for reflection and renewal.

What if COVID-19 is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)
  • Check out these great resources above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.

Another great resource to serve the church has been recently developed by our very own Pete Benson. A three-part video series specifically addressing the “COVID Crisis and Your Personal Finances” is freely shared for your personal use and for use within your church as you seek to empower and disciple your congregation in this critical area. CLICK HERE to access the three videos. A 10-minute preview of Part One will be sure to convince you to make use of this valuable resource with your church family.

Attention Youth Pastors: Interested in a 7-week program developed by Wesleyan leaders in the Northwest District? Click HERE to access all the details of this premium resource.The Next Gen department (Zach Coffin) will be hosting multiple collaborative webinars this fall, so be sure to add yourself or invite your team to join our Next Gen Facebook Group to ensure you are the first to know!



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.