It’s Monday Again
7-Year Total: $1,025,482.83
2020 Service Hours: 1,910
- Church online is not about content. It is about connecting people to people. Content is the catalyst for that connection. (Bobby Gruenewald)
- It’s not enough to build an audience unless we are discipling people. We need to move from making statements to asking questions. Move from social media to social ministry. It doesn’t matter how many followers we have if they are not following Jesus through us. (Nona Jones)
- Guard against letting someone else’s toxicity tempt you to respond in a similarly toxic fashion. We can’t control what toxic people do and say, but we can control what we do and say. (Gary Thomas)
Registration: Email Karrilee ( on or before October 21st
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)
- Check out these great resources above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.
Another great resource to serve the church has been recently developed by our very own Pete Benson. A three-part video series specifically addressing the “COVID Crisis and Your Personal Finances” is freely shared for your personal use and for use within your church as you seek to empower and disciple your congregation in this critical area. CLICK HERE to access the three videos. A 10-minute preview of Part One will be sure to convince you to make use of this valuable resource with your church family.
Click here to see a one-page overview
Click here for the 45-minute video 2025 presentation