It’s Monday Again
Caton’s Island registration is now open – CLICK HERE! Approximately 300 campers have already registered. With camps capped at 90 again this year, you are encouraged to apply soon to ensure access to your preferred dates. As one of only four overnight camps that operated across Canada last summer, the impressive Caton’s staff are ready to lead another COVID-free experience to share Jesus!
- Congratulations to Shawna Rogers on receiving a unanimous Extended Call as Lead Pastor at River Valley!
- Evan Oxner (Amherst) announced yesterday that Assistant Pastor Bradford (Oliva) Jordan will be joining the pastoral team in July.
- Evan Oxner will also be serving as Lead Pastor of Westchester effective April 1st. The pastoral team of Amherst will be serving both congregations as they embrace new days of Kingdom partnership under his leadership for reaching Cumberland County, NS. Great vision casting, Evan!

Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) is in a four-year village partnership through World Hope International – Canada with a small village in Sierra Leone. They just received a recent report that the new village deep bore well has hit clean water! Thanks Cornerstone and WHI for making a world of difference. #globalcollective

- The six-day camp will begin with an evening service on Tuesday, July 6 and concluding with a morning service on Sunday, July 11.
- A full four-day program for kids and youth will be scheduled during the mornings of Wednesday – Saturday and each of these days will offer a morning and evening service in the Tabernacle.
- District Conference will be held on Thursday, July 8.
- Ordination will be held for the Class of 2020 & 2021 on Friday, July 9 with President Lennox preaching and National Superintendent Steve Elliott presiding.
- Save-A-Seat online registration has been purchased and will be used to preregister all services, programs, and dining hall meals which will be limited based on physical distancing regulations.
- Our Camp Evangelist will be Rev. Jon Wiest (pending border/quarantine restrictions)
Recently, Shaila Visser of Alpha Canada hosted a conversation for church leaders with the experienced panel of Charles Price, Darrell Johnson and our very own, Pastor B. The goal? To encourage pastors who are experiencing the unique pressure of this season to pause and not give up on the calling God has given them. Together these three inspirational Kingdom leaders have over 156 years of ministry experience! Grab a coffee and CLICK HERE to fuel the fires of faithfulness and fruitfulness as you invest your influence this week.
Points to Ponder
- Someday everything you have will belong to somebody else, but everything you arewill be yours forever. (Denn Guptill)
- My real job is to make people more like Jesus and to love Jesus more. It’s not just about getting more Christians, it’s about getting people more Christian. (Brent Ingersoll)
- There was a moment in the middle of 2020 when God said to me, “You’re all praying for things to go back to normal, but if things never get better are you still going to serve Me?” (Mike MacNeil)

for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)
Check out these great resources above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.
- Sermons: We’ve recorded two sermons which churches can use to provide a respite for those preaching. We plan to provide more sermons in the coming weeks.
- Greeting and update: We have included a brief video update on how God has been working at Kingswood University during the past 10 months. Churches deserve to know how we’re stewarding their investment.
- Free classes: Pastors may welcome the opportunity to sit in on a virtual class session to learn more about a topic of interest. The care package contains a list of classes and syllabi for those classes. Anyone interested can contact our Registrar for more information or to register ( or 506-432-4406).
- Seminar on Personal Wellness: We’ve provided a video file to a seminar presented by Dr. Allen Lee, Professor of Christian Counselling at Kingswood University.
- Youth group: Seasoned youth speakers, Shaun Miller and Zach Painter, are happy to lead a virtual youth service for an evening. If COVID-related restrictions allow, this could be done in-person. Anyone interested should contact