Monday Again
The life and ministry of Rev. David W. LeRoy, our former District Superintendent, received high honour on Saturday at the Saunders Irving Chapel on the campus of Kingswood University. Our loving prayers and condolences are warmly extended to Joanne and their three sons, Jonathan, Andrew, & Jamie on the early Wednesday morning loss of a loving husband, father, and incredible Kingdom servant. His sons who tag-teamed their father’s eulogy was predictably entertaining, but deeply touching and will not soon be forgotten. They made their Dad proud… in the right sense. Don Ingersoll’s heartfelt opening remarks for his brother-in-law beautifully set the banquet table of a celebration feast in the hearts of all those present. Dr. HC Wilson delivered a powerful and anointed message fulfilling a two-year request from his long-standing friend.
It was personally meaningful on many levels to express the heart of our Atlantic tribe’s love and support to Joanne and the family. Our ministerial ranks were represented at perhaps the highest level ever as the honour guard of the ordained formed a double line from the hearse far into the back rows of the chapel. A well-deserved and nearly full representation of our credentialed ministers provided due esteem to the life of a leader who has faithfully finished his race. The IMA Thot below was quoted in remarks about David’s life by Paul Piraino, his Executive Pastor of ten years at Victory Highway Wesleyan.
- An energetic service yesterday marked the formal conclusion of pastoral transition for Joel Gorveatte (Moncton) in his installation as Lead Pastor. Joel & Tracy (Kate & Seth) are a gifted and gracious leadership addition to the tribe – welcome! Exciting days of momentum are unfolding at #mwchurch.
- And speaking of momentum, AJ Thomas (Deep Water) reports 482 yesterday – a well-timed rising of tidal attendance as they prepare to launch an identical third service on Sunday evenings later this month.
- Andrea Gunter reports that Caton’s Island reported 175 decisions for Christ this summer! Seventy-one first time (48 unchurched) and 104 recommitments (30 unchurched). Praise the Lord and hats off to Director Dean Stephenson and his excellent team.
- Shawn Craven (Havelock, NS) is recovering well in Halifax following surgery on Wednesday to remove his gall bladder and one-half of his liver. The surgeon suspects the pathology report may show the tumour as benign – keep praying. A list too long to thank has been serving the Cravens in pastoral care this week – amazing to watch the tribe in action. Proud in the right sense. On behalf of Shawn & Michelle (Alexa, Jacob, & Liam) – “thank you to ‘The Tribe’ for your outpouring of love and graciousness.” (a quote from Alexa’s FB)
- Our condolences are also extended to Karrilee, our Executive District Administrator, on the loss this past week of her brother-in-law, Todd Goguen. In addition to attending this Thursday service, I had the privilege of standing with Rob MacCallum (Kingston) and family at the graveside service for his mother on Friday afternoon.
- John & Cindy den Hollander were in Ottawa this weekend as he spoke representing Fire Chaplains from across Canada in honour of National Fallen Fire Fighters Day – annually on the 2nd Sunday of October. Our tribe is grateful for those who, like John, are fulfilling their ministerial calling in chaplaincy work both fulltime and/or volunteer as local pastors in correctional, police, and fire department ministry. John is seated to the far right in the front row of this distinguished group at the feet of the Fallen Fire Fighters Monument.

DS LeRoy Thot: There are people who sit in the balcony of your life, watching you run your divine race, and they cheer you on. They exhort you. They celebrate you. They invest in you. They speak life-giving words. They breathe life into you and they remind you what a good God our God is. They are people builders. (Paul Piraino quoting John Ortberg on the life of DW LeRoy)
SEPT 15-16
Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship at the Caton’s Island Men’s Weekend.
Skeet shooting, Zip Line, Archery and Kayaking along with Friday night wings night and guest speakers make this a must attend event to connect with men and be encouraged in your faith.
PM me if you plan to attend and let me know the size of your group.
To register please contact Assistant Director Ian McMath.
(or call Ian at: 506.333.2771)
Kingswood University’s dynamic youth event ENCOUNTER is happening October 13-14. ENCOUNTER is designed to engage youth (grades 8-12) in worship, through music and the Word, and to challenge them to explore the call God has placed on their lives.
Only $60 per student. Early-bird rate deadline September 19th. For more details and to register:
Hurricane Harvey and Irma Relief
Our hearts and prayers go out to the thousands of people impacted by these tragedies. World Hope Canada is joining World Hope International and The Wesleyan Church as they respond to these disasters.
We are asking for your support to:
- Purchase emergency supplies and equipment for the recovery phase;
- Establish a base of operations for support; and
- Provide blankets, mobile water treatment facilities, mobile wash stations, and other emergency supplies.
We will welcome volunteers when the time is appropriate. Please call or respond to this email for more details.